
This section provides direct download links for the data and various tables associated with this web project. The searchable data of the Facet Search and Edition Search is available in the “data” XLSX file. For comprehensive authorship information comparing "original attribution" and "modern attribution" related to the sources featured in Cotgrave’s English Treasury, download the “authors” XLSX file. The file named “notes.xlsx” contains a comparison between accurate and inaccurate ascriptions of Cotgrave’s sources as determined by seventeenth-century annotators, detailed in the “Notes” section of the project.

Additionally, the project offers tables highlighting the most frequently quoted plays, quotations under each heading, and the most quoted authors according to both “modern attribution” and “original attribution.” These tables are accessible by clicking on each respective table or by loading them separately from the “ranked” XLSX file, which consolidates all four tables into a single file.

1. data.xlsx
2. authors.xlsx
3. notes.xlsx
4. ranked.xlsx
5. subjects.csv


(a) Title (b) Subject Heading
Title Subject Heading

(c) Author – Modern Attribution (d) Author – Original Attribution
Authors Modern Authors Original