Biographical Index of English Drama Before 1660
Bibliographic References A through C
Addison, Worthy Dr. Fuller = William Addison, Worthy Dr. Fuller, London: Dent, 1951.
Akrigg, Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton = G. P. V. Akrigg, Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton, Harvard, 1968.
Alexander, 'Bath' = Robert Alexander, 'Corrections of Bath Dramatic Records 1568-1620 in Printed Lists', REEDN 10.1 (1985), 2.
Alexander, 'Percy Household Accounts' = Robert J. Alexander, 'Some Dramatic Records from Percy Household Accounts on Microfilm', REEDN 12.2 (1987), 10.
Allen, Francis Meres' Treatise = Don Cameron Allen, Francis Meres' Treatise "Poetrie": A Critical Edition, Illinois, 1933.
Allen, Palladis Tamia = Don Cameron Allen, ed., Palladis Tamia, Scholars' Facsimile, 1938.
Allott, Poems of William Habington = Kenneth Allott, ed. The Poems of William Habington, Liverpool, 1948. (reissue 1969)
Anderson, John Ford = Donald K. Anderson, Jr., John Ford, Twayne, 1972.
Anglo, 'William Cornish' = Sydney Anglo, 'William Cornish in a Play, Pageants, Prison, and Politics', RES n.s. 10 (1959), 348
Annals = Alfred Harbage, Samuel Schoenbaum, Sylvia Stoler Wagonheimer, eds., Annals of English Drama, 3rd ed., Routledge, 1989.
Armstrong, 'Authorship of Cambises' = W. A. Armstrong, 'The Authorship and Political Meaning of Cambises', English Studies 36 (1955),
Ashley, George Peele = L. R. N. Ashley, George Peele, Twayne, 1970.
Austern, 'Thomas Ravenscroft' = Linda Phyllis Austern, 'Thomas Ravenscroft: Musical Chronicler of an Elizabethan Theater Company', Journal of the American Musicological Society 38 (1985), 238.
Austin, 'John Lyly and Queen Elizabeth' = Warren B. Austin, 'John Lyly and Queen Elizabeth', N&Q 176 (1939), 146.
Austin, 'William Withie's Notebook' = Warren B. Austin, 'William Withie's Notebook: Lampoons on John Lyly and Gabriel Harvey', RES 23 (1947), 297.
Axton, 'Robert Dudley' = Marie Axton, 'Robert Dudley and the Inner Temple Revels', Historical Journal 13 (1970), 365.
Axton, Three Rastell Plays = Richard Axton, ed., Three Rastell Plays, 1979.
Axton and Happe, Plays of John Heywood = Richard Axton and Peter Happe, eds., The Plays of John Heywood, D. S. Brewer, 1991.
Ayres, 'Anthony Munday' = Philip J. Ayres, 'Anthony Munday: "Our Best Plotter"?', ELN 18 (1980), 13.
Ayres, 'Sampson's The Vow Breaker' = Philip J. Ayres, 'Production and Adaptation of William Sampson's The Vow Breaker (1636) in the Restoration', TN 27 (1973), 145.
Bachrach, 'Sir Constantyn Huygens and Ben Jonson' = A. G. H. Bachrach, 'Sir Constantyn Huygens and Ben Jonson', Neophilologus 35 (1951), 120.
Bacon, Warner's Syrinx = Wallace A. Bacon, ed., William Warner's Syrinx or A Sevenfold History, Northwestern, 1950.
Bacquet, Thomas Sackville = Un Contemporain de Elisabeth I: Thomas Sackville, l'Homme et l'Oeuvre, Geneve: Droz, 1966.
Bagley, Earls of Derby = J. J. Bagley, The Earls of Derby, 1485-1985, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985.
Baillie, 'Biographical Notes' = Hugh Baillie, 'Some Biographical Notes on English Church Musicians, Chiefly Working in London (1485-1560)', Royal Music Association Research Chronicle 2 (1962), 18.
Baillie, Choice Ternary = W. M. Baillie, A Choice Ternary of English Plays, 1984.
Baillie, 'Correspondence' = Hugh Baillie, 'Correspondence', Music & Letters 36 (1955), 310-1
Baines, Thomas Heywood = Barbara J. Baines, Thomas Heywood, Twayne, 1984.
Bakeless, Tragicall History = John E. Bakeless, The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe, Harvard, 1942.
Baker and Murphy, 'MS Digby 133' = D. C. Baker and J. L. Murphy, 'The Late Medieval Plays of MS. Digby 133: Scribes, Dates, and Early History', Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 10 (1967), 155
Bald, 'Chronology of Middleton's Plays' = R. C. Bald, 'The Chronology of Middleton's Plays', MLR 32 (1937), 33.
Bald, 'Jesting Player' = R. C. Bald, 'Will, My Lord of Leicester's Jesting Player', N&Q 204 (1959), 112.
Bald, 'Leicester's Men' = R. C. Bald, 'Leicester's Men in the Low Countries', RES 19 (1943), 395.
Bald, 'Lost Lady' = R. C. Bald, 'Sir William Berkeley's The Lost Lady', Library (1937), 395.
Bald, 'Middleton's Civic Employments' = R. C. Bald, 'Middleton's Civic Employments', Modern Philology 31 (1933), 65.
Baldwin, 'Nathaniel Field and Robert Wilson' = T. W. Baldwin, 'Nathaniel Field and Robert Wilson', MLN 41 (1926), 32.
Baldwin, Organization and Personnel = T. W. Baldwin, The Organization and Personnel of the Shakespearean Company, Princeton, 1927.
Baldwin, 'Thomas Kyd's Early Company Connections' = T. W. Baldwin, 'Thomas Kyd's Early Company Connections', Philological Quarterly 6 (1927), 311.
Baldwin, 'William Kemp not Falstaff' = T. W. Baldwin, 'William Kemp not Falstaff', MLR 26 (1931), 170.
Ball, 'Choir-Boy Actors' = Roma Ball, 'The Choir-Boy Actors of St. Paul's Cathedral', in Four Studies in Elizabethan Drama, Emporia State Research Studies, vol. 10 no. 4, June 1962, 5.
Bambrough, 'Early Life of Ben Jonson' = J. B. Bambrough, 'The Early Life of Ben Jonson', TLS, 8 April 1960, 225.
Barber, Misogonus = Lester E. Barber, ed., Misogonus, 1979.
Barker, 'Provincial Playhouse' = Kathleen M. D. Barker, 'An Early Seventeenth Century Provinical Playhouse', TN 29 (1975), 81.
Barker, Thomas Middleton = Richard H. Barker, Thomas Middleton, Columbia, 1958.
Barley, 'Plough Monday Play' = M. W. Barley, 'Cast of Plough Monday Play at Donington, Lincolnshire, c.1563-5', RES 5 (1954), 165.
Barnard, New Links = E. A. B. Barnard, New Links with Shakespeare, Cambridge, 1930.
Barroll, 'Arts at the English Court of Anna of Denmark' = Leeds Barroll, 'Arts at the English Court of Anna of Denmark', in S. P. Cerasano and Marion Wynn-Davies, eds., Readings in Renaissance Women's Drama, Routledge, 1998, 47.
Bas, 'Misrepresented Documents' = Georges Bas, 'Two Misrepresented Biographical Documents Concerning James Shirley', RES 27 (1976), 303.
Baskervill, 'William Lily's Verse' = C. R. Baskervill, 'William Lily's Verse for the Entry of Charles V into London', Huntington Library Bulletin 9 (1936), 1
Bate, Three Latin Comedies = Keith Bate, ed., Three Latin Comedies, 1976.
Baugh, Englishmen for my Money = A. C. Baugh, William Haughton's Englishmen for my money or A woman will have her will, 1917.
Baugh, 'New Facts about Shirley' = Albert C. Baugh, 'Some New Facts about Shirley', MLR 17 (1922), 228.
Bawcutt, Control and Censorship = N. W. Bawcutt, The Control and Censorship of Caroline Drama: The Records of Sir Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels 1623-73, Oxford, 1996
Bawcutt, 'Craven Ord Transcripts' = N. W. Bawcutt, 'Craven Ord Transcripts of Sir Henry Herbert's Office-Book in the Folger Shakespeare Library', ELR 14 (1984), 83.
Bawcutt, 'Documents of the Salisbury Court Theater' = N. W. Bawcutt, 'Document of the Salisbury Court Theater in the British Library', MRDE 9 (1997), 179.
Bawcutt, 'New Revels Documents' = N. W. Bawcutt, 'New Revels Documents of Sir George Buc and Sir Henry Herbert', RES 35 (1984), 316.
Bawcutt, Poems of William Dunbar = Priscilla Bawcutt, ed., The Poems of William Dunbar, Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 1998.
Baxter, William Dunbar = J. W. Baxter, William Dunbar: A Biographical Study, Oliver and Boyd, 1952.
BDECM = Andrew Ashbee and David Lasocki assisted by Peter Holman and Fiona Kisby, A Biographical Dictionary of English Court Musicians 1485-1714, Ashgate, 1998. (2 v., paged continuously)
Beadle, 'Entertainments at Hickling Priory' = Richard Beadle, 'Entertainments at Hickling Priory, Norfolk, 1510-1520', REEDN 2 (1980), 17
Beadle, 'Mettingham College' = Richard Beadle, 'Dramatic Records of Mettingham College, Suffolk, 1403-1527', Theatre Notebook 33 (1979), 125
Beal, 'Poems by Sidney' = Peter Beal, 'Poems by Sir Philip Sidney: The Ottley Manuscript', Library 33 (1978), 284.
Beauchamp, 'Sidney's Sister' = V. W. Beauchamp, 'Sidney's Sister as Translator of Garnier', Renaissance Notes 10 (1957), 8
Beaurline, Suckling: Plays = L. A. Beaurline, ed., The Works of Sir John Suckling: The Plays, Clarendon Press, 1971.
Becker, 'William Warner' = David W. Becker, 'William Warner of Cambridge', N&Q 199 (1954), 463.
Beilin, Redeeming Eve = Elaine V. Beilin, Redeeming Eve: Women Writers of the English Renaissance, Princeton, 1987.
Belfield, 'Abel Drugger' = Jane Belfield, 'Robert Armin as Abel Drugger', N&Q 226 (1981), 146.
Belfield, 'Robert Armin' = Jane Belfield, 'Robert Armin, Citizen and Goldsmith of London', N&Q 225 (1980), 158.
Benbow, 'Dutton and Goffe versus Broughton' = R. Mark Benbow, 'Dutton and Goffe versus Broughton', REEDN 2 (1981), 3.
Benbow, 'Livery Companies' = R. Mark Benbow, 'Sixteenth-Century Dramatic Performances for the London Livery Companies', N&Q 227 (1982), 129.
Bentley, 'Early Plays in English' = Gerald Eades Bentley, 'Early Plays in English', Princeton University Library Chronicle 38 (1976), 146.
Bentley, 'Prince Charles's Company' = G. E. Bentley, 'The Troubles of a Caroline Acting Troupe: Prince Charles's Company', HLQ 41 (1978), 217.
Bentley, Profession of Player = G. E. Bentley, The Profession of Player in the Time of Shakespeare, Princeton, 1984.
Bentley, 'Salisbury Court Theater' = G. E. Bentley, 'The Salisbury Court Theater and Its Boy Players', HLQ 40 (1977), 129.
Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' = G. E. Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows', TLS (November 15, 1928), 856.
Bentley, 'St. Giles Cripplegate' = G. E. Bentley, "Records of Players in the Parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate", PMLA 44 (1929), 789-826.
Bentley, 'Wills' = G.E. Bentley, 'The wills of two Elizabethan actors', Modern Philology 29 (1931), 110-14.
Bergeron, 'Actors' = David M. Bergeron, 'Actors in English Civic Pageants', Renaissance Papers (1972), 17.
Bergeron, 'Anthony Munday' = David M. Bergeron, 'Anthony Munday: Pageant Poet to the City of London', HLQ 30 (1967), 345.
Bergeron, 'Christmas Family' = David M. Bergeron, 'The Christmas Family: Artificers in English Civic Pageantry', English Literary History 35 (1968), 354.
Bergeron, 'Elizabeth's Coronation Entry' = David Bergeron, 'Elizabeth's Coronation Entry (1559): New Manuscript Evidence', ELR 8 (1978), 3.
Bergeron, English Civic Pageantry = David M. Bergeron, English Civic Pageantry, 1558-1642, Arnold, 1971.
Bergeron, Thomas Heywood's Pageants = David M. Bergeron, Thomas Heywood's Pageants: A Critical Edition, Garland, 1986.
Bergeron, 'Women as Patrons' = David M. Bergeron, 'Women as Patrons of Renaissance Drama', in Guy Fitch Little and Steven Orgel, eds., Patronage in the Renaissance, Princeton, 1981, 274. (reprinted in S. P. Cerasano and Marion Wynne-Davies, Readings in Renaissance Women's Drama, Routledge, 1998)
Berlin, Thomas Sackville = Normand Berlin, Thomas Sackville, Twayne, 1974.
Berman, Greene's Tu Quoque = Alan J. Berman, ed., Greene's Tu Quoque, or, The Cittie Gallant; A critical edition, Garland, 1984.
Berry, Boar's Head = Herbert Berry, The Boar's Head Theatre, Folger Library, 1986.
Berry, 'Date' = Herbert Berry, 'The Date on the 'Peacham' Manuscript', Shakespeare Bulletin 17.2 (1999), 5.
Berry, 'Phineas Fletcher' = Lloyd E. Berry, 'Phineas Fletcher: Additions and Corrections', N&Q 205 (1960), 54.
Berry, Playhouses = Herbert Berry, Shakespeare's Playhouses, New York, 1987.
Berry, 'Sir John Denham at Law' = Herbert Berry, 'Sir John Denham at Law', Modern Philology 71 (February 1974), 266.
Berry, Suckling's Poems and Letters = Herbert Berry, ed., Sir John Suckling's Poems and Letters from Manuscript, Humanities Department of the University of Western Ontario, 1960.
Berry, 'The Globe' = Herbert Berry, 'The Globe: Documents and Ownership', in The Third Globe, ed. by C. Walter Hodges, S. Schoenbaum, and Leonard Leone, Wayne State, 1981, 29-57.
Bettey, 'Puppet-players at Beaminster' = J. H. Bettey, 'Puppet-players at Beaminster in 1630', Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 30 (1974), 19.
Bickley, Cavendish Family = Francis Bickley, The Cavendish Family, 1911.
Bindoff, House of Commons = S. T. Bindoff, The House of Commons 1509-1558, Secker & Warburg, 1982. (3 volumes)
Binns, 'Alabaster's Birth' = J.W. Binns, 'The Date of William Alabaster's Birth', Cahiers Elisabethains 17 (1980), 71.
Blackstone, 'Patrons Calendar' = Mary A. Blackstone, 'Notes Toward a Patrons Calendar', REEDN 6.1 (1981), 1.
Blake, 'Lord Berners' = N. F. Blake, 'Lord Berners: A Survey', Medievalia et Humanistica, NS 2 (1971), 119-32
Bland, 'Masque of Beauty and Desire' = D. S. Bland, 'Arthur Broke's Masque of Beauty and Desire', RORD 19 (1976), 49.
Blank, Lyric Forms = Philip E. Blank, Jr., Lyric Forms in the Sonnet Sequences of Barnabe Barnes, Mouton, 1974.
Blayney, 'G. Wilkins' = Glenn H. Blayney, 'G. Wilkins and the Identity of W. Calverly's Guardian', N&Q 198 (1953), 329.
Blewitt, 'Winchester and Eton' = David W. Blewitt, 'Records of Drama at Winchester and Eton', TN 38 (1984), 88, 135.
Bly, 'John Cooke' = Mary Bly, 'John Cooke: A Playwright Connected to the Whitefriars', N&Q 243 (1998), 360.
Boas, 'Tragedy of Iephte' = F. S. Boas, 'The Tragedy of Iephte', TLS, 30 January 1930, 78
Boas, University Drama = Frederick S. Boas, University Drama in the Tudor Age, Oxford, 1914.
Boddy, 'Players of Interludes' = G. W. Boddy, 'Players of Interludes in North Yorkshire in the Early Seventeenth Century', North Yorkshire County Record Office Journal 3 (1976), 95.
Bolton, Melanthe = Joseph S. G. Bolton, ed., Melanthe: A Latin Pastoral Play of the Early Seventeenth Century, Yale, 1928 (reprinted 1972).
Bolwell, John Heywood = R. W. Bolwell, The Life and Works of John Heywood, 1966.
Bordinat and Blaydes, Sir William Davenant = Philip Bordinat and Sophia B. Blaydes, Sir William Davenant, Twayne, 1981.
Boswell, 'Seven Actors' = Jackson Campbell Boswell, 'Seven Actors in Search of a Biographer', MRDE 2 (1985), 51.
Boswell, 'Young Mr. Cartwright' = Eleanore Boswell, 'Young Mr. Cartwright', RES 24 (1929), 125
Bowers, 'John Lowin' = Rick Bowers, 'John Lowin: Actor-Manager for the King's Company, 1630-1642', TS 28 (1987), 15.
Bowers, 'Shoemaker's Holiday' = Fredson Bowers, 'Thomas Dekker, Robert Wilson, and The Shoemaker's Holiday', MLN 64 (1949), 517.
Bradbrook, John Webster = Muriel C. Bradbrook, John Webster, Citizen and Dramatist of London, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1980.
Bradner, Richard Edwards = Leicester Bradner, The Life and Poems of Richard Edwards, Yale, 1927.
Braunmuller, George Peele = A. R. Braunmuller, George Peele, Twayne, 1983.
Brawner, 'Narrative Plays' = James Paul Brawner, 'Early Classical Narrative Plays by Sebastian Westcott and Richard Mulcaster', MLQ 4 (1943), 455.
Breight, 'Realpolitik' = Curt Breight, 'Realpolitik and Elizabethan Ceremony: The Earl of Hertford's Entertainment of Elizabeth at Elvetham, 1591', Renaissance Quarterly 45 (1992), 20.
Brettle, 'Bibliographical Notes' = R. E. Brettle, 'Bibliographical Notes on Some Marston Quartos and Early Collected Editions', Library 8 (1927-28), 336.
Brettle, 'Everard Guilpin' = R. E. Brettle, 'Everard Guilpin and John Marston', RES 16 (1965), 396.
Brettle, 'John Marston and the Duke of Buckingham' = R. E. Brettle, 'John Marston and the Duke of Buckingham', N&Q 212 (1967), 326.
Brettle, 'John Marston at Oxford' = R. E. Brettle, 'John Marston, Dramatist, at Oxford, 1591(?)-1594, 1609', RES 3 (1927), 398.
Brettle, 'John Marston: New Facts' = R. E. Brettle, 'John Marston, Dramatist: Some New Facts about His Life', MLR 22 (1927), 7.
Brettle, 'Marston Born in Oxfordshire' = R. E. Brettle, 'Marston Born in Oxfordshire', MLR 22 (1927), 317.
Brettle, 'Notes on John Marston' = R. E. Brettle, 'Notes on John Marston', RES 13 (1962), 390.
Brettle, 'Poet Marston Letter' = R. E. Brettle, 'The "Poet Marston" Letter to Sir Gervase Clifton, 1607', RES 4 (1928), 212.
Brie, 'Beware the Cat' = Frederick Brie, 'William Baldwin's Beware the Cat', Anglia 37 (1913), 303
Brie, 'William Baldwin' = Frederick Brie, 'William Baldwin als Dramatiker', Anglia 38 (1914), 157
Brink, Michael Drayton Revisited = Jean R. Brink, Michael Drayton Revisited, Twayne, 1990.
Brinkley, Nathan Field = Roberta Florence Brinkley, Nathan Field: The Actor-Playwright, Yale, 1928.
Brooks, 'Burial Place of George Gascoigne' = E. L. Brooks, 'Burial Place of George Gascoigne', RES 5 (1954), 59.
Brooks, 'Scogan's Quem Quaeritis and Till Eulenspiegel' = Neil C. Brooks, 'Scogan's Quem Quaeritis and Till Eulenspiegel', MLN 38 (1923), 57
Brown, Aristocratic Entertainments = Cedric Brown, John Milton's Aristocratic Entertainments, Cambridge, 1985.
Brown, Aurelian Townshend = Cedric Brown, The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, Whiteknights Press, 1983.
Brown, John Milton = Cedric Brown, John Milton: A Literary Life, St. Martin's, 1994.
Brown, Lady Mother = A. Brown, ed., The Lady Mother by Henry Glapthorne, Malone Society, 1959.
Brown, 'Note on Sebastian Westcott' = Arthur Brown, 'A Note on Sebastian Westcott and the Plays Presented by the Children of Paul's', MLQ 12 (1951), 134.
Brown, 'Sebastian Westcott' = Arthur Brown, 'Sebastian Westcott at York', MLR 47 (1952), 49.
Brown, 'Three Notes' = Arthur Brown, 'Three Notes on Sebastian Westcott', MLR 44 (1949), 230.
Buchan, Poems of Thomas Pestell = Hannah Buchan, ed., The Poems of Thomas Pestell, Basil Blackwell, 1940.
Buchanan, Ars Adulandi = Roberta Buchanan, ed., Ars Adulandi, or The Art of Flattery by Ulpian Fulwell: A Critical Edition with a Biography of the Author, Institut fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1984.
Bullough, 'Fulke Greville' = Geoffrey Bullough, 'Fulke Greville, First Lord Brooke', MLR 28 (1933), 1.
Burkhart, 'Shakespeare's Lost Years' = Robert E. Burkhart, 'Finding Shakespeare's Lost Years', SQ 29 (1978), 77.
Burner, James Shirley = Sandra A. Burner, James Shirley: A Study of Literary Coteries and Patronage, 1988.
Butler, 'Provincial Masque' = Martin Butler, 'A Provincial Masque of Comus', RD n.s. 17 (1986), 149.
Butler, 'Two Playgoers' = Martin Butler, 'Two Playgoers, and the Closing of the London Theatres, 1642', Theatre Research International 9 (1984), 93.
Butman, 'New Facts' = Robert Butman, 'George Chapman, 1612-22: Some New Facts', MLR 46 (1951), 185.
Buxton, Sir Philip Sidney = John Buxton, Sir Philip Sidney and the English Renaissance, London, 1954.
Byers, Valiant Scot = George F. Byers, The Valiant Scot by J. W.: A Critical Edition, Garland, 1980.
Cain, 'Robert Herrick' = T. G. S. Cain, 'Robert Herrick, Mildmay Fane, and Sir Simeon Steward', ELR 14 (1984), 312.
Capp, 'Sir William Holles' Players' = Bernard Capp, 'A Lost Elizabethan Actors' Company: Sir William Holles' Players', N&Q 242 (1997), 95.
Caputi, John Marston = Anthony Caputi, John Marston, Satirist, Cornell, 1961.
Cargill, 'Secunda Pastorum' = Oscar Cargill, 'The Authorship of the Secunda Pastorum', PMLA 41 (1926), 810
Carlson, Martin Marprelate, Gentleman = Leland H. Carlson, Martin Marprelate, Gentleman: Job Throckmorton Laid Open in His Colors, Huntington Library, 1972.
Carmel, 'New Light on Robert Johnson' = Sister Jean Carmel, 'New Light on Robert Johnson, the King's Musician', SQ 16 (1965).
Carnegie, 'Hand of Thomas Goffe' = David Carnegie, 'The Identification of the Hand of Thomas Goffe, Academic Dramatist and Actor', Library 26 (1971), 161.
Carter, 'Shirley's Return to London' = Albert Howard Carter, 'Shirley's Return to London in 1639-40', MLN 58 (1943), 196.
Caylor, Leander = Lawrence M. Caylor, ed., Leander by Walter Hawkesworth: A Variorum Edition with Translation, Garland, 1993.
Cerasano, 'Anthony Jeffes' = S.P. Cerasano, 'Anthony Jeffes, Player and Brewer', N&Q 229 (1984), 221.
Cerasano, 'Business' = S. P. Cerasano, 'The "Business" of Shareholding, the Fortune Playhouses, and Francis Grace's Will", MRDE 2 (1985), 231.
Cerasano, 'Edward Alleyn: His Brothel's Keeper?' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Edward Alleyn: His Brothel's Keeper?', MRDE 13 (2001), 93.
Cerasano, 'Edward Alleyn's Early Years' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Edward Alleyn's Early Years: His Life and Family', N&Q 232 (1987), 237.
Cerasano, 'Edward Alleyn's "Retirement"' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Edward Alleyn's "Retirement" 1597-1600', MRDE 10 (1998), 98.
Cerasano, 'Henslowe/Forman' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Philip Henslowe, Simon Forman, and the Theatrical Community of the 1590s', SQ 44 (1993), 145-58.
Cerasano, 'Patronage Network' = S. P. Cerasano, 'The Patronage Network of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn', MRDE 13 (2001), 82.
Cerasano, 'Philip Henslowe' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Revising Philip Henslowe's Biography', N&Q 230 (1985), 66.
Cerasano, 'Players' Wills' = S. P. Cerasano, 'New Renaissance Players' Wills', MP 82 (1985), 299.
Cerasano, 'Tamburlaine' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Tamburlaine and Edward Alleyn's Ring', SS 47 (1994), 171.
Cerasano, 'Women as Theatrical Investors' = S. P. Cerasano, 'Women as Theatrical Investors: Three Shareholders and the Second Fortune Playhouse', in S. P. Cerasano and Marion Wynne-Davies, eds., Readings in Women's Renaissance Drama, Routledge, 1998.
Cerasano and Wynne-Davies, Readings = S. P. Cerasano and Marion Wynne-Davies, Readings in Renaissance Women's Drama: Criticism, History, and Performance 1594-1998 (1998)
Cerasano and Wynne-Davies, Renaissance Drama by Women = S. P. Cerasano and Marion Wynne-Davies, Renaissance Drama by Women: Texts and Documents, Routledge, 1996.
Chambers, 'First Illustration' = E. K. Chambers, 'The First Illustration to 'Shakespeare'', Library, 4th ser., 5 (1925), 326.
Chambers, 'Lords Chamberlain' = E. K. Chambers, 'The Elizabethan Lords Chamberlain', Malone Society Collections I, 1907.
Chambers, Sir Henry Lee = E. K. Chambers, Sir Henry Lee, Oxford, 1936.
Chambers, Thomas More = R. W. Chambers, Thomas More (1938)
Chambers, William Shakespeare = E. K. Chambers, William Shakespeare: A Study of the Facts and Problems, Oxford, 1930.
Chapman, Last Tudor King = Hester W. Chapman, The Last Tudor King (1938)
Charteris, 'Alfonso Ferrabosco' = Richard Charteris, 'New Information About the Life of Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (1543-1588)', Research Chronicle of the Royal Music Association 17 (1981), 97.
Charteris, 'Autographs of Alfonso Ferrabosco' = Richard Charteris, 'Autographs of Alfonso Ferrabosco I-III', Early Music 10 (1982), 208.
Chester, Thomas May = Allan Griffith Chester, Thomas May: Man of Letters, 1595-1650, Pennsylvania, 1932.
Christian, 'Autobiographical Note' = Mildred G. Christian, 'An Autobiographical Note by Thomas Middleton', N&Q 175 (1938), 259.
Christian, 'Middleton's Residence at Oxford' = Mildred G. Christian, 'Middleton's Residence at Oxford', MLN 61 (1946), 90.
Christian, 'Sidelight' = Mildred G. Christian, 'A Sidelight on the Family History of Thomas Middleton', SP 44 (1947), 490.
Clark, Thomas Heywood = A. M. Clark, Thomas Heywood: Playwright and Miscellanist (1931)
Clayton, 'Portraits of Sir John Suckling' = Thomas Clayton, 'An Historical Study of the Portraits of Sir John Suckling', Journal of the Warburg and Courtald Institute 23 (1960), 105.
Clayton, 'Suckling and the Cranfields' = Thomas Clayton, 'Sir John Suckling and the Cranfields', TLS, 29 January 1960, 63.
Clayton, 'Thorn-Drury's Marginalia' = Thomas Clayton, 'Thorn-Drury's Marginalia on Sir John Suckling', N&Q 204 (1959), 148.
Clayton, Works of Sir John Suckling = Thomas Clayton, The Works of Sir John Suckling: The Non-Dramatic Works, Clarendon Press, 1971.
Clubb, 'Two Thomas Watsons' = Louise George Clubb, 'Gabriel Harvey and the Two Thomas Watsons', Renaissance News, 19 (1966), 113.
Coldewey, 'Aldeburgh' = J. C. Coldwey, 'Playing Companies at Aldeburgh, 1556-1635', Malone Society Collections IX (1977), 16-23.
Coldewey and Cophenhaver, Pseudomagia = John C. Coldewey and Brian P. Copenhaver, eds., Pseudomagia, Nieuwkoop, Holland, 1979.
Colthorpe, 'Sir John Davies' = Marion Colthorpe, 'Sir John Davies and an Elizabethan Court Entertainment', N&Q 231 (1986), 373.
Colthorpe, 'Theobalds Entertainment' = Marion Colthorpe, 'The Theobalds Entertainment for Queen Elizabeth I in 1591, with a Transcript of the Gardener's Speech', REEDN 12.1 (1987), 2.
Coman, 'Congleton Accounts' = Alan C. Coman, 'The Congleton Accounts: Further Evidence of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama in Cheshire', REEDN 14.1 (1989), 3.
Cotton, 'Katherine of Sutton' = Nancy Cotton, 'Katherine of Sutton: The First English Woman Playwright', Educational Theatre Journal 30 (1978), 475
Cotton, Women Playwrights = Nancy Cotton, Women Playwrights in England, c.1363-1750, Bucknell, 1980.
Crupi, Robert Greene = Charles W. Crupi, Robert Greene, Twayne, 1986.
Culliford, William Strachey = S. G. Culliford, William Strachey, 1572-1621, Virginia, 1965.
Cutts, 'Anonymous Masque-Like Entertainment' = John P. Cutts, 'The Anonymous Masque-Like Entertainment in Egerton MS. 1994, and Richard Brome', Comparative Drama 1 (1967), 277.
Cutts, 'Browne's Inner Temple Masque' = John P. Cutts, 'Original Music to Browne's Inner Temple Masque', N&Q 199 (1954), 194.
Cutts, 'Jacobean Masque and Stage Music' = John P. Cutts, 'Jacobean Masque and Stage Music', Music and Letters 35 (1954), 185.
Cutts, 'John Wilson's Setting' = John P. Cutts, 'Thomas Heywood's 'The Gentry to the King's Head' in The Rape of Lucrece and John Wilson's Setting', N&Q 206 (1961), 384.
Cutts, 'Martin Llewellyn' = 'The Dramatic Writings of Martin Llewellyn', Philological Quarterly 47 (1968), 16.
Cutts, 'Martyrd Soldier' = John P. Cutts, 'Henry Shirley's The Martyrd Soldier', Renaissance News 12 (1959), 251.
Cutts, 'New Findings' = John P. Cutts, "New Findings with Regard to the 1624 Protection List", Shakespeare Survey 19 (1966), 101-7.
Cutts, 'Original Music' = John P. Cutts, 'Original Music for Two Caroline Plays -- Richard Brome's The English Moore; or The Mock Marriage and James Shirley's The Gentleman of Venice', N&Q 231 (1986), 21.
Cutts, 'Robert Johnson' = John P. Cutts, 'Robert Johnson: King's Musician in His Majesty's Public Entertainment', Music and Letters 36 (1955), 110.
Cutts, 'Robert Johnson and the Court Masque' = John P. Cutts, 'Robert Johnson and the Court Masque', Music and Letters 41 (1960).
Cutts, 'William Lawes' Writing' = John P. Cutts, 'William Lawes' Writing for the Theatre and the Court', Library 7 (December 1952), 4.225.
Cuvelier, Thomas Lodge = Eliane Cuvelier, Thomas Lodge: temoin de son temps, Didier, 1984.