14 And David said unto him, How wast yu not afraied, to put for the thine hand to destroy the Annointed of the Lord? [506]Oxford's Bible; see also Stritmatter's image on [103|66].
Kathman correctly transcribes the annotation:
Cropped marginal note in GB reads "Oxen 22000/Shepe 122000" The number of sheep is in error, adding an extra 2000 to the texts's figure of 12000.
oxen - 22000
shepe 1220000
A more accurate comparison: both Kathman's and Stritmatter's accounts are generally reliable when the two accounts agree; in most instances where they disagree, Kathman seems to be more reliable.
Stritmatter mentions Kathman several times, sometimes characterizing his work harshly. Kathman's list was compiled without reference to Stritmatter's list; Kathman's list was published online in 1998, two years before Stritmatter's dissertation was defended, and three years before it was printed.
Vulgate | ante mortem benefac amico tuo et secundum vires tuas exporrigens da pauperi | ||
Coverdale | Do good vnto yi frende before thou dye, and acordinge to thy abylite reach out thine hande, and geue vnto ye poore. | ||
Matthew's | Do good vnto thy frynde before thou dye, & according to thy abilitie reache out thyne hande, & geue vnto the poore. | ||
Bishops' | Do good vnto thy friende before thou dye, and according to thy abilitie reache out thyne hande & geue vnto the poore. | ||
Geneva | Do good vnto thy friend before thou dye, & according to thine habilitie stretch out thine hand, and give him. | ||
Douay | Do good to thy friend before thou die, and according to thy ability, stretching out thy hand give to the poor.
King James | Do good unto thy friend before thou die, and according to thy ability stretch out thy hand and give to him. |