Biographical Index of English Drama Before 1660

Names Beginning with 'B'

Babell, Jacques (fl. 1607-8). French rope dancer. [REED Norwich, 133 (1984)]

Babham, Christopher (fl. 1630-32). Manager (Salisbury Court). [Nungezer, 25; JCS ii, 353; Haaker, 'Plague', 287 (1968); Bentley, 'Salisbury Court Theater' (1977)]

Backstead, Will. See Barksted, William.

Bacon, Francis, 1st Viscount St. Albans (1561-1626). Masque writer. [ES iii, 211; Peerage xi, 282 (1949); Hasler, House of Commons i, 374 (1981); McGee and Meagher, 'Entertainments: 1558-1603', 126, 132, 137-40 (1981); DLB 151: 21 (1995); Sessions, Francis Bacon Revisited (1996)]

Bacon, John (fl. 1635-7). Actor (King's). [Nungezer, 26; JCS ii, 354]

Bacon, Richard (c.1611-1629<). Actor in academic play? (Trinity College, Cambridge 1627-8). [Venn, ACant i, 66 (1922); REED Cambridge, 955 (1989)]

Badger, John (d. 1577; fl. 1550-77). Actor in academic plays (Oxford 1566), entertainment contributor. [Foster, AOx, 54 (1891); Boas, University Drama, 391 (1914); Annals, 46, 219 (1989)]

Badger, Sir Thomas (d. 1638). Performer in masques (Barriers at a Marriage, 1606; Lord Hay's Masque, 1607). [Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 429 (1950); Lindley, Court Masques, 272 (1995)]

Badlowe, Richard (fl. 1594). Paul's chorister (1594). [Nungezer, 26]

Bagby, Richard (fl. 1597). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 36 (1984)]

Bagly, Edward. See Bayly, Edward.

Bagstare, Richard. See Baxter, Richard.

Bailey. See Bayley.

Baines, James (fl. 1603). Actor (Carlisle, Cumb.). [REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 66 (1986)]

Bakehowse, Thomas (fl. 1518-19). Actor in Skinners' midsummer show (1518-19). [Robertson and Gordon, Livery Companies, 3 (1954)]

Baker, Alexander (fl. 1624) (alias Barker). Puppet showman. [Galloway and Wasson, 'Norfolk/Suffolk', 26 (1980); Bawcutt, 'New Revels Documents', 327 (1984); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 319 (1986)]

Baker, Harry (fl. 1592). Actor. [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 27]

Baker, Sir Richard (c.1568-1645). Pro-theatrical writer. [Foster, AOx, 58 (1891); Hasler, House of Commons i, 387 (1981); Cerasano and Wynne-Davies, Renaissance Drama by Women, 222 (1996)]

Baker, Robert (I) (c.1560?-1637). Paul's chorister (1574); musician/minstrel (recorder in King's Musick), possibly musician in masque. (Father of Robert Baker (II)) [Nungezer, 27; Woodfill, Musicians, 38n6 (1953); Ingram, 'Minstrels', 36 (1984); BDECM, 50 (1998)]

Baker, Robert (II) (1596-1642). Musician in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). (Son of Robert Baker (I)) [Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965); Sabol, 'New Documents', 26 (1966); BDECM, 53 (1998)]

Balcanole, Walter (fl. 1449). Playwright (or scribe). [DTRB, 309, 410 (1984)]

Baldwin, William (d.1563; fl.1533-63). Playwright, actor, deviser of entertainments. [Trench, 'William Baldwin' (1898); Brie, 'Beware the Cat' (1913); Brie, 'William Baldwin' (1914); Feasey, 'William Baldwin' (1925); Holden, Beware the Cat (1963); DTRB, 211, 214, 410 (1984); Ringler and Flachmann, Beware the Cat, xii-xxx (1988); DLB 132: 19 (1993)]

Bale, John (1495-1563). Playwright. [MS ii, 446; Fairfield, John Bale (1976); DTRB, 374 (1984); Happe, Plays of John Bale (1985); DLB 132: 27 (1993); Norland, Drama in Early Tudor Britain, 188-98 (1995); Happe, John Bale (1996); Happe, English Drama Before Shakespeare, 124-30, 271 (1999); Walker, Medieval Drama, 480 (2000)]

Ballard, John (d. 1601; fl. 1594-1601). Musician. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 36 (1984)]

Ball, John (fl. 1551-68). Actor in academic plays (Oxford 1566). [Foster, AOx, 62 (1891); Boas, University Drama, 391 (1914)]

Balls, Francis (fl. 1631). Actor (King's 1631). [Nungezer, 27; JCS ii, 354; Sisson, 'Notes', 25 (1942)]

Balls, Richard (d. 1623). Musician (Blackfriars), composer. (Brother-in-law of John Adson) [JCS ii, 355; Sisson, 'Notes', 25 (1942); BDECM, 58 (1998)]

Ballys, Thomas (fl. 1521-2). Actor (in Thetford, 1521-2). [DTRB, 375 (1984)]

Banaster, Gilbert (c.1430-87). Master of the Children of the Chapel Royal (1478-87), possibly interlude writer. [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 27; BDECM, 61 (1998); Grove ii, 619 (2001)]

Band, Thomas. See Bond, Thomas.

Banes, Brian. See Baynes, Brian.

Banister, John (c.1624-79). Musician in masque (Siege of Rhodes, 1656), songwriter for theatre after Restoration. [Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 247 (1973); BDECM, 65 (1998); Grove ii, 659 (2001)]

Bankes, William (fl. 1631-36). Actor (Prince Charles' (II) 1631-36), sharer (Prince Charles' (II)). [Nungezer, 28; JCS ii, 355; Bentley, 'Prince Charles's Company' (1978)]

Barber, Thomas (fl. 1456-9). Leader of Corpus Christi players. [DTRB, 137, 410 (1984)]

Barbor, Edmond (f. 1623). Actor(?). [JCS ii, 356]

Barbor, Richard (fl. 1476-7). Actor (in Barnstaple, 1476-7). [DTRB, 375 (1984)]

Barfield, Roger (fl. 1606-26). Actor (Queene Anne's 1606), trumpeter. [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 28; JCS ii, 356]

Bargar, Thomas (d. 1621). Actor in academic play? (Clare College, Cambridge 1614-5). [Venn, ACant i, 84 (1922); REED Cambridge, 954 (1989)]

Bargrave, Isaac (d. 1643; fl. 1606-43). Actor in academic play? (Clare College, Cambridge 1614-5). [Venn, ACant i, 84 (1922); REED Cambridge, 954 (1989)]

Barker (fl. 1603). Actor. [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 28]

Barker, Alexander. See Baker, Alexander.

Barker, Anthony (fl. 1640). Acrobat, actor(?) (Coventry). [REED Coventry, 444 (1981)]

Barker, Thomas (fl. 1639) (Basker). Playwright(?). [JCS iii, 9]

Barksted, William (c.1590-1617<) (Backstead, Baxsted). Actor (Queen's Revels 1609, Lady Elizabeth's 1611, Prince Charles' 1616), playwright. [ES ii, 301; iii, 214; Nungezer, 28; JCS ii, 357; Riddell, 'Actors', 295 (1969); Eccles, Authors, 10 (1982)]

Barley, Henry (fl. 1546-57). Deviser of shows at Cambridge (1556-7). [Venn, ACant i, 89 (1922); DTRB, 98, 410 (1984)]

Barnard, John (I) (d. 1550). Clerk Comptroller of the Tents and Revels (1544-50). [Streitberger, Court Revels, 165, 175, 431 (1994)]

Barnard, John (II) (d. 1554; fl. 1535-54). Deviser of comedies at Cambridge (1550-1). [Venn, ACant i, 90 (1922); DTRB, 96, 410 (1984)]

Barnard, John (III) (fl. 1588-98). Actor in academic play (Trinity, Cambridge, 1598). [Boas, University Drama, 399 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 90 (1922); Caylor, Leander, 2 (1993)]

Barne, William (fl. 1602). Boy actor (Admiral's 1602) (possibly son of William Birde alias Borne?). [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 30]

Barnes (fl. 1624). Playwright. [JCS iii, 9]

Barnes, Barnabe (1571-1609). Playwright. [ES iii, 214; Eccles, 'Barnabe Barnes' (1933); Doyno, Parthenophil and Parthenophe, xiii-lxix (1971); Blank, Lyric Forms, 12-30 (1974); DLB 132: 53 (1993)]

Barnes, Thomas (fl. 1629-32). Carpenter who posed as an actor. [Nungezer, 30; JCS ii, 358]

Baron, Robert (1630-58). Playwright. [JCS iii, 10; Randall, Winter Fruit, 130-4 (1995)]

Barrell, Thomas. (fl. 1612-22) (Borel, Berghel, Barrett). Fencer, piker (France, Netherlands, England). [Hoppe, 'English Actors', 311 (1949); Riewald, 'New Light', 78-80 (1960); Riewald, 'Annotated Bibliography', 171 (1984); Bawcutt, 'New Revels Documents', 326 (1984)]

Barrett, John (I) (c.1599-?). Latin playwright. [Venn, ACant i, 96 (1922); JCS iii, 11]

Barrett, John (II) (c.1620-40). Actor (King's Revels 1634-40). [Nungezer, 30; JCS ii, 359]

Barrett, Thomas. See Barrell, Thomas.

Barrett, Walter (1583?-?; fl. 1613-24) (Burrett). Actor (Lady Elizabeth's 1613-24). [Nungezer, 30; JCS ii, 359; REED Coventry, 394 (1986)]

Barrett, William (fl. 1605-11). Actor in academic play (St. John's, Cambridge, 1605-6). [Venn, ACant i, 97 (1922); REED Cambridge, 951 (1989)]

Barry, David, Lord Barry. Mistakenly given as playwright-sharer by ES and Nungezer; see Barry, Lording.

Barry, Lording (1580-1629). Playwright, sharer. [Ewen, Lording Barry (1938); Ewen, 'Lording Barry, Dramatist' (1938); Jones, Ram-Alley, vii (1952); Holdsworth, 'Ram-Alley' (1985); Ingram, 'Playhouse as Investment', 209-13 (1985)]

Bartle, Onye (fl. 1603). Actor; probably same as Onesiphorus Barton. [ES ii, 301; Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Nungezer, 31]

Bartlett, Henry. See Berkeley, Henry.

Bartlett, Sir Richard (fl. 1576-7). Patron (1576-7). [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 397 (1910)]

Barton, Onesiphorus (1575-1608). Actor. [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 31]

Barttelot, Sir William (1504-1601). Patron(?). [Galloway and Wasson, 'Norfolk/Suffolk', 214 (1980)]

Basden, William (fl. 1552). Child of the Chapel Royal (1552). [BDECM, 85 (1998)]

Basker, Thomas. See Barker, Thomas.

Baskerville, James (fl. 1613-23). Sharer in Red Bull. (Husband of Susan Browne Greene Baskerville; stepfather of William Browne (III)) [Foster, AOx, 82 (1891); Sisson, 'Notes', 25 (1942)]

Baskerville, Susan Shore Browne Greene (c.1577-1648). Part owner of Boar's Head, Red Bull, and Fortune theaters. (Wife of Robert Browne (III), Thomas Greene, and James Baskerville; mother of William Browne (III)) [Sisson, 'Notes', 25 (1942); Bentley, 'Prince Charles's Company', 231 (1978); Berry, Boar's Head (1986)]

Bassano, Anthony (1579-1658). Musician in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). [Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965); BDECM, 96 (1998); Grove ii, 859 (2001)]

Bassano, Henry (1597-1665). Musician in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). [Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 372 (1973); BDECM, 110 (1998); Grove ii, 859 (2001)]

Basse, Thomas (c.1587-1634). Actor (Lady Elizabeth's 1611-13, Queen Anne's 1617-19; Queen Henrietta's?), sharer (Children of the Revels 1622). [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 31; JCS ii, 360; Sisson, 'Notes', 26 (1942); Sisson, 'Red Bull Company', 58, 65-6 (1954); Wills, 178 (1993)]

Baston, Robert (fl. 1314). Playwright? [Rigg, 'Antiquaries' (1978); DTRB, 336, 410 (1984)]

Bateman, Robert (1543-1618). Musician/minstrel, composer for plays and masques. [Robertson and Gordon, Livery Companies, 174 (1954); Ingram, 'Minstrels', 37 (1984); Grove ii, 901 (2001)]

Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier, John (II) (1539-61); Bourchier, William (1561-1623).

Bathe, John (fl. 1614). Actor. [REED Heref./Worc., 390 (1990)]

Batty (?-?). Fencer, actor(?). [JCS ii, 360]

Baxted, Will. See Barksted, Will.

Baxter, John (1629-1670<). Scenekeeper, actor (King's 1660-70<). (Son of Richard Baxter (I); brother(?) of Richard Baxter (II)) [Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 393 (1973); Milhous and Hume, 'New Light', 501, 504-5 (1991)]

Baxter, Richard (I) (c.1593-c.1667). Actor (Queen Anne's c.1606-24; King's 1628-37; Europe 1644-6; London 1648; King's 1660-65). (Father of John Baxter, Richard Baxter (II)(?)) [Nungezer, 26, 32; JCS ii, 360; Sisson, 'Notes', 26 (1942); Sisson, 'Red Bull Company' (1954); Freehafer, 'London Patent Companies', 21 (1965); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 393 (1973); Bentley, Profession of Player (1984), 111; Milhous and Hume, 'New Light' (1991)]

Baxter, Richard (II) (b.1618). Actor (King's 1630). (Son of Richard Baxter (I)(?), brother of John Baxter(?)) [Freehafer, 'London Patent Companies', 21 (1965); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 393 (1973); Milhous and Hume, 'New Light', 490n8 (1991)]

Baxter, Robert (fl. 1601). Child actor (Chapel 1601). [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 33; Eccles, 'Actors I', 39 (1991); BDECM, 134 (1998)]

Bayley (>1582). Paul's chorister (possibly Thomas, or William Bailey [RECM IV: 48]). [ES ii, 302; Nungezer, 33; Wills, 50 (1993)]

Bayley, Edward (fl. 1628) (Bayly). Actor. [Nungezer, 33; JCS ii, 362]

Bayley, Simon (fl. 1620-40) (Baylie). Playwright. [JCS iii, 12]

Bayley, Thomas (fl. 1581) (Baylye). Actor(?) (but probably not). [ES ii, 301; Nungezer, 33]

Bayley, William (c.1553-1632). Actor in academic plays (St. John's, Cambridge, 1579-80). [Boas, University Drama, 394, 395 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 112 (1922)]

Baynes, Brian (fl. 1549-66). Actor in academic plays (Oxford 1566). [Foster, AOx, 93 (1891); Boas, University Drama, 391 (1914)]

Beale, Edward (fl. 1625-33). Actor in academic play? (Queens College, Cambridge 1631-2). [Venn, ACant i, 116 (1922); REED Cambridge, 959 (1989)]

Beamond, Robert (fl. 1521-22). Actor in midsummer plays (1521-22). [Robertson and Gordon, Livery Companies, 8, 12 (1954)]

Beard, Thomas (d. 1632). Antitheatrical writer, minister. [Venn, ACant i, 117 (1922); JCS iii, 14]

Beart, Rudolf (fl. 1608). Actor (Germany). [ES ii, 302; Nungezer, 35]

Beauchamp, Lord. See Seymour, Edward (III).

Beaufort, Thomas, 1st (2nd) Duke of Exeter (<1397-1426). Patron (Duke of Exeter's boys 1426). [Peerage v, 200 (1926); DTRB, 375 (1984)]

Beaumont, Elizabeth Sapcote (c.1580-1625<). Performer in masque (Coleorton Masque, 1618). (Wife of Thomas Beaumont) [Peerage ii, 67 (1912); Lindley, Court Masques, 272 (1995)]

Beaumont, Francis (c.1584-1616). Playwright, masque writer. (Brother of Sir John Beaumont) [ES iii, 215; Eccles, 'Biographical Dictionary' (1942); Hoy, 'Fletcher and His Collaborators' (1956-62); Nethercot, Stuart Plays, 508 (1971); Sell, 'Authorship' (1972); Sell, 'Religious and Family Background' (1976); DLB 58: 3 (1987); Wills, 231 (1993); Kinney, Renaissance Drama, 12 (1999)]

Beaumont, Sir John (c.1582-1627). Writer of royal entertainment. (Brother of Francis Beaumont) [JCS iii, 14; Eccles, 'Biographical Dictionary' (1942); Sell, 'Authorship' (1972); Sell, Shorter Poems (1974); Sell, 'Religious and Family Background' (1976); Eccles, Authors, 13 (1982); DLB 121: 25 (1992); Raylor, 'Essex House Masque', 225 (1998)]

Beaumont, Katherine (fl. 1618). Performer in masque (Coleorton Masque, 1618). (Aunt of Thomas Beaumont) [Lindley, Court Masques, 272 (1995)]

Beaumont, Thomas, Viscount Beaumont of Swords (d. 1625). Patron (Lord Beaumont's 1625), performer in masque (Coleorton Masque, 1618). (Husband of Elizabeth Sapcote Beaumont; nephew of Katherine Beaumont) [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 77 (1910); Peerage ii, 67 (1912)]

Beck, Christopher (fl. 1566-69). Actor in Lord Mayor's shows (1566, 1569). [Robertson and Gordon, Livery Companies, 45, 50 (1954)]

Beck, Edward (fl. 1621-30). Actor in academic play? (Queens College, Cambridge 1622-3). [Venn, ACant i, 121 (1922); REED Cambridge, 956 (1989)]

Becon, Sir John (fl. 1567-8). Patron (1567-68). [Redstone, 'Ipswich', 265 (1931); Galloway and Wasson, 'Norfolk/Suffolk', 214 (1980)]

Becon, Thomas (fl. 1547). Playwright? [King, 'Protector Somerset', 310, 326 (1976); DTRB, 255, 411 (1984)]

Bedford, Countess of. See Russell, Lucy Harington.

Bedford, Earl of. See Russell, Francis.

Bedford, Thomas (c.1621-65<). Actor (Europe 1644-46; London 1648; King's 1659-60?). [Milhous and Hume, 'New Light', 488-93 (1991)]

Bedos, Thomas. See Bedowes, Thomas.

Bedowe, Ellis (b. 1611; fl. 1635). Actor (King's Revels?). [Nungezer, 35; Gourlay, 'Wasp' (1943); JCS ii, 362]

Bedowes, Thomas (fl. 1634). Musician in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). [Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965)]

Bedston (fl. 1561-2). Actor. (read by Murray as 'Beeston') [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 35; REED Devon, 43 (1986)]

Bee, William (fl. 1624). Actor(?). May be William Beeston. [Nungezer, 35; JCS ii, 362]

Beedome, Thomas (1614-40). Poet, friend of dramatists. [JCS iii, 16; Eccles, Authors, 14 (1982)]

Beeland, Ambrose (c.1597-c.1678) (Beckland, Beland, Biland, Byland). Musician for King's Men and in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). [Nungezer, 81; Gourlay, 'Wasp' (1943); JCS ii, 362; Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965); Cutts, 'New Findings', 102 (1966); Sabol, 'New Documents', 26 (1966); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 412 (1973); BDECM, 138 (1998); Grove iii, 69 (2001)]

Beeston. See Bedston.

Beeston, Christopher (c.1580-1638) (alias Hutchinson). Actor (Chamberlain's 1598; Worcester's-Queen Anne's 1602-19; Prince Charles' (I) 1619-22; Lady Elizabeth's 1622-25; Queen Henrietta's 1625-37), sharer, entrepreneur. (Husband of Elizabeth Beeston; father of William Beeston; brother-in-law of James Sands (?); father-in-law of Theophilus Bird) [ES ii, 302; Nungezer, 36; JCS ii, 363; iii, 17; Sisson, 'Notes', 26 (1942); Sisson, 'Red Bull Company' (1954); Freehafer, 'Brome, Suckling' (1968); Haaker, 'Plague', 294 (1968); Bawcutt, 'Craven Ord Transcripts', 91 (1984); Bentley, Profession of Player (1984), 156-64; Eccles, 'Actors I', 39, 42 (1991); Wills, 191 (1993)]

Beeston, Elizabeth (fl. 1638-40). Sharer, owner. (Wife of Christopher Beeston) [JCS ii, 370]

Beeston, Robert (fl. 1603-1617). Actor (Queen Anne's 1604-17). [ES ii, 303; JCS ii, 370; Nungezer, 38; Eccles, 'Actors I', 40 (1991)]

Beeston, William (c.1606-1682). Actor, manager. (Son of Christopher Beeston) [Nungezer, 39; JCS ii, 370; Freehafer, 'London Patent Companies', 9 (1965); Haaker, 'Plague', 291 (1968); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans i, 414 (1973); Bentley, 'Salisbury Court Theater', 143 (1977); Wills, 219, 237 (1993)]

Behel, Jacob. See Pedel, Jacob.

Belcher, William (fl. 1592-1610). Actor(?). [Edmond, 'Pembroke's Men' (1974); Eccles, 'Actors I', 41 (1991)]

Belchier, Daubridgcourt (c.1581-1621) (Belcher, Belgier, Beltcher). Playwright. [Foster, AOx, 102 (1891); Venn, ACant i, 126 (1922); JCS iii, 17]

Belknap, Sir Edward (c.1472-1521). Patron (Mister Belknap's 1519-24). [DTRB, 375 (1984)]

Bell, Christopher (fl. 1626-61). Musician in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). [Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965); Sabol, 'New Documents', 26 (1966); BDECM, 141 (1998)]

Bell, Richard (I) (fl. 1613). Actor. [REED Heref./Worc., 386 (1990)]

Bell, Richard (II) (b. 1605; fl. 1622). Actor in academic play (Queens College, Cambridge 1622-3). [Venn, ACant i, 128 (1922); REED Cambridge, 956 (1989)]

Bellamy, Henry (1604-38<). Latin playwright. [Foster, AOx, 104 (1891); JCS iii, 19; RLDE 1/10: 5 (1982)]

Belt, Thomas (fl. 1595-8). Boy actor (Chamberlain's 1598). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 42; Greg, Dramatic Documents i, 44 (1931)]

Benfield, Richard (d. 1639). Friend of actors. (Kinsman of Robert Benfield) [JCS ii, 374, 633; Wills, 195 (1993)]

Benfield, Robert (1583?-1649). Actor (Queen's Revels?, Lady Elizabeth's c.1613, King's 1615-48). (Kinsman of Richard Benfield) [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 42; JCS ii, 374; Riewald, 'Actors and Musicians', 33 (1959); Riddell, 'Actors', 294 (1969); George, 'Early Cast Lists' (1974); George, 'Pre-1642 Cast Lists' (1977); Howard, 'Acting Lines', 12 (1985); Eccles, 'Actors I', 40 (1991)]

Benger, Sir Thomas (d. 1572; fl. 1550-72). Master of the Revels (1560-72), patron (Master of the Revels' 1569-70). [Dawson, 'Kent', 166 (1965); Hasler, House of Commons i, 427 (1981); Wills, 44 (1993)]

Bennett, John (d. 1558). Minstrel's apprentice. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 37 (1984)]

Bennett, Richard (d. 1593; fl. 1583-93). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 37 (1984)]

Bentley, John (c.1553-85). Actor (Queen's 1583). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 44; Bentley, 'Wills' (1931); Eccles, 'Actors I' (1991), 47; Wills, 55 (1993)]

'Bently'. See Benfield, Robert.

Benton, Fabian (fl. 1550-63). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 37 (1984)]

Benton, William (fl. 1575-93). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 37 (1984)]

Berghel, Thomaes. See Barrell, Thomas.

Berkeley, Elizabeth Carey, Lady Berkeley (1576-1635). Performer in masque (Hymenaei, 1606; masquer may have been Jane Stanhope Townshend Berkeley, but probably not). (Daughter of George Carey; daughter-in-law of Henry Berkeley (I)) [Peerage ii, 139 (1912); ES iii, 378; Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 440 (1950)]

Berkeley, Henry (I), 7th Lord Berkeley (1534-1613) (Bartley, Bartlett). Patron (Lord Berkeley's 1556-7, 1577-1612). (Husband of Jane Stanhope Townshend Berkeley; brother-in-law of Thomas Howard (II); uncle of Philip Howard and Thomas Howard (III)) [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 26 (1910); Peerage ii, 138 (1912); ES ii, 103; Whitfield, 'Clifford Chambers', 370 (1965); Lancashire, 'Nottinghamshire', 21 (1977); Greenfield, 'Entertainments of Henry, Lord Berkeley' (1983); REED Norwich, 358 (1984); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 436 (1986); REED Devon, 464 (1986); REED Heref./Worc., 611 (1990); Gurr, Playing Companies, 168, 177 (1996)]

Berkeley, Sir Henry (II) (c.1547-1601). Patron (Mr. Berkeley's 1571-2). [Hasler, House of Commons i, 430 (1981); REED Somerset, 50, 991 (1996)]

Berkeley, Jane Stanhope Towshend, Lady Berkeley (d. 1618). Performer in masque? (Hymenai, 1606; but more likely the masquer was Elizabeth Carey Berkeley). (Wife of Henry Berkeley (I)) [Peerage ii, 138 (1912); ES iii, 378]

Berkeley, Sir Richard (c.1531-c.1604). Patron (1574-7). [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 78 (1910); REED Devon, 465 (1986)]

Berkeley, Sir William (c.1606-77) (Barclay, Bartlet?, Bartley). Playwright. [Foster, AOx, 114 (1891); Bald, 'Lost Lady' (1937); JCS iii, 20]

Berkshire, Countess of. See Howard, Elizabeth Cecil (1626-72); Norris, Bridget Vere (1624-31).

Berkshire, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas (VI) (1626-69).

Bernard, Richard (1568-1641). Translator. (Terence in English). [Venn, ACant i, 141 (1922); ES iii, 236]

Bernard, Samuel (c.1591-1657) (Barnard). Latin playwright. [Foster, AOx, 115 (1891); JCS iii, 25; RLDE 1/6: 24 (1986)]

Berners, Lord. See Bourchier, John (I).

Berry, Anthony (fl. 1635). Actor (Queen Henrietta's 1635). [Haaker, 'Plague', 297 (1968)]

Bertie, Katherine Willoughby Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk (1519-80). Patron (Duchess of Suffolk's 1547-66). (Wife of Charles Brandon; mother of Peregrine Bertie) [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 71 (1910); Peerage xii.2, 673 (1959); Read, My Lady Suffolk (1963); Dawson, 'Kent', 179 (1965); Kahrl, 'Lincolnshire', 105 (1974); DTRB, 408 (1984); REED Norwich, 370 (1984); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 454 (1986); REED Cambridge, 1287 (1989); Pilkington, 'Bristol' (1989)]

Bertie, Peregrine, Lord Willoughby of Eresby (1555-1601). Patron(?). (Son of Katherine Willoughby Brandon Bertie; brother-in-law of Edward de Vere) [Peerage xii.2, 676 (1959); REED Norwich, 372 (1984); Tiner, 'York', 35 (1992)]

Bertie, Robert, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, 1st Earl of Lindsey (1582-1642). Performer in masques as Lord Willoughby (Barriers at a Marriage, 1606; Hymenai, 1606; Coleorton Masque?, 1618, identity uncertain). (Son of Peregrine Bertie) [ES iii, 378; Peerage viii, 15 (1932); Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 439 (1950); Lindley, Court Masques, 252, 281 (1995)]

Bevill, Lady. See Manners, Frances Knevyt Bevill.

Biel, Jacob. See Peadle, Jacob.

Bierdt, Burchard (fl. 1612). Actor (Germany). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 45]

Billing, Matthew (fl. 1593). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984)]

Billingesly, John (fl. 1572). Payee for Westminster boys. [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 45]

Bing, William (c. 1587-1615). Actor in academic plays (Trinity, Cambridge, 1603). [Boas, University Drama, 399, 401 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 153 (1922); Caylor, Leander, 2 (1993)]

Birch, George (I) (c.1498-1560<). Actor (London 1527-30; King's 1533-59). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 45; Baillie, 'Biographical Notes', 26 (1962); DTRB, 381, 389 (1984)]

Birch, George (II) (d. 1625?). Actor (King's 1610-25). [Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Nungezer, 46; JCS ii, 377; Riddell, 'Actors', 295 (1969)]

Bird, Mary (d. 1625) (alias Borne). (Wife of William Bird; mother of Theophilus Bird). [Wills, 147 (1993)]

Bird, Theophilus (1608-63) (alias Bourne). Actor (Queen Henrietta's 1625-35; King's 1638-47; King's 1661-3). (Son of William Bird; son-in-law of Christopher Beeston) [Nungezer, 46; JCS ii, 377; Stevenson, 'First Irish Theatre', 158 (1942); Freehafer, 'London Patent Companies', 12 (1965); Oliver, 'Building of the Theatre Royal' (1972); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans ii, 133 (1973); Streett, 'Durability' (1973); George, 'Early Cast Lists' (1974); Bentley, Profession of Player (1984), 30; Milhous and Hume, 'New Light', 492, 501 (1991); Wills, 211 (1993)]

Bird, William (d. 1624; fl. 1597-1624) (alias Borne) (Birde). Actor (Pembroke's 1597; Admiral's-Prince Henry's-Palsgrave's 1598-1621), playwright. (Husband of Mary Bird; father of Theophilus Bird) [ES ii, 303; iii, 236; Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Nungezer, 48; Greg, Dramatic Documents i, 52 (1931); JCS ii, 379; Bergeron, 'Actors', 22 (1972); Cerasano, 'Players' Wills', 299 (1985); Eccles, 'Actors I', 40 (1991); Wills, 131 (1993)]

Birkhead, Henry (1617-96). Playwright?. [Foster, AOx, 129 (1891); JCS iii, 95-6; Randall, Winter Fruit, 78 (1995)]

Bishop (of Exeter). See Alley, William; Turberville, James.

Black Dick (fl. 1597). Actor (Admiral's 1597). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 49; Greg, Dramatic Documents i, 54 (1931)]

Blackden, Nicholas. See Blagden, Nicholas.

Blackhall, Alexander (fl. 1614-36). Actor in academic play (Trinity College, Cambridge 1618-9). [Venn, ACant i, 160 (1922); REED Cambridge, 956 (1989)]

Blackson (fl.<1616).Actor (King's). [JCS ii, 380]

Blackwage, William (fl. 1594). Actor(?). [Nungezer, 49]

Blackwood, Thomas (fl. 1592-1606). Actor (Leicester's 1602-3; Germany 1603). [ES ii, 303; Denkinger, 'St. Botolph Aldgate', 98 (1926); Nungezer, 49; Schrickx, 'German Archives', 156 (1982)]

Blagden, Nicholas (1625-c.1668) (Blackden). Actor (London 1648; Duke's 1661; King's 1661-8). [Highfill-Burnim-Langhans ii, 143 (1973); Milhous and Hume, 'New Light', 493, 496, 501 (1991)]

Blagrave, Richard (d. 1641). Musician in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). (Father of Thomas Blagrave (II)) [Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 47 (1965); Sabol, 'New Documents', 26 (1966); BDECM, 152 (1998)]

Blagrave, Thomas (I) (c.1522-90). Acting Master of the Revels (1573-78). [Streitberger, Court Revels, 167-72, 431 (1994)]

Blagrave, Thomas (II) (c.1620-88). Musician, actor in masque (Siege of Rhodes, 1656). (Son of Richard Blagrave) [Highfill-Burnim-Langhans ii, 144 (1973); BDECM, 154 (1998); Grove iii, 670 (2001)]

Blagrave, William (fl. 1624-35) (Blagrove). Deputy Master of the Revels, entrepreneur (Salisbury Court). [Foster, AOx, 135 (1891); Nungezer, 50; JCS ii, 380; Bentley, 'Salisbury Court Theater' (1977)]

Blaiklock, John (I) (fl. 1656). Actor (Newcastle). (Father of John Blaiklock (II)) [Rollins, 'Commonwealth Drama', 305 (1921)]

Blaiklock, John (II) (fl. 1656). Actor (Newcastle). (Son of John Blaiklock (I)) [Rollins, 'Commonwealth Drama', 305 (1921)]

Blake, John (fl. 1624) (Blak). Sharer (New Fortune). [Nungezer, 50; JCS ii, 381]

Blaney, John (fl. 1609-1625). Actor (Queen's Revels; Queen Anne's 1616-19; Children of the Revels 1622; Queen Henrietta's 1625). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 50; JCS ii, 382]

Blank, William Alexander (fl. 1605). Scottish dancer (Germany). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 51]

Blanks, Edward (c.1550-1633). Musician/minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984); Grove iii, 688 (2001)]

Blaxton, Joshua (1582-1615). Actor in academic plays (Trinity, Cambridge, 1603, 1612-13). [Boas, University Drama, 399, 401 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 161 (1922); REED Cambridge, 952 (1989); Caylor, Leander, 2 (1993)]

Blencowe, John (1609-48<). Latin playwright. [JCS iii, 28; RLDE 1/3: 5 (1981)]

Blorern, Thomas (fl. 1623). Puppet showman. [Bawcutt, 'Craven Ord Transcripts', 91 (1984)]

Blount, Anne Boteler. See Weston, Anne Boteler Blount.

Blount, Charles, 8th Lord Mountjoy, Earl of Devonshire (1563-1606). Patron (Lord Mountjoy's 1598-1606). (Son of James Blount and Katherine Leigh Blount; brother of Sir Christopher Blount and William Blount; husband of Penelope Devereaux Rich; father of Mountjoy Blount) [Peerage ix, 343 (1936); Duncan-Jones, 'Ford and the Earl of Devonshire' (1978); Hasler, House of Commons i, 444 (1981); REED Coventry, 370 (1981)]

Blount, Sir Christopher (c.1565-1601). Playgoer. (Son of James Blount and Katherine Leigh Blount; brother of Charles Blount and William Blount; husband of Lettice Knollys; stepfather of Robert Devereaux (I)) [Hasler, House of Commons i, 446 (1981); Gurr, Playgoing, 191 (1987)]

Blount, James, 6th Lord Mountjoy (c.1533-81). Patron (Lord Mountjoy's 1564-80). (Husband of Katherine Leigh Blount; father of Charles Blount and William Blount) [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 57 (1910); Peerage ix, 342 (1936); Kahrl, 'Lincolnshire', 105 (1974); Blackstone, 'Patrons Calendar', 8 (1981); Alexander, 'Bath', 4 (1985); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 450 (1986); REED Devon, 504 (1986); Pilkington, 'Bristol' (1989); REED Somerset, 1000 (1996)]

Blount, Katherine Leigh, Lady Mountjoy (d. 1576). Patron(?) (Lady Manches' 1571-2). (Wife of James Blount; mother of Charles Blount and William Blount) [REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 449 (1986)]

Blount, Lettice Knollys Devereaux Dudley. See Knollys, Lettice.

Blount, Mountjoy, 1st Earl of Newport (1597-1666). Performer in masques (Love's Triumph Through Callipolis, 1631; Albion's Triumph 1632; Coelum Britannicum, 1634; Temple of Love, 1635; Britannia Triumphans, 1638; Salmacida Spolia, 1640). (Illegitimate son of Charles Blount and Penelope Devereaux Rich; half-brother of Henry Rich; husband of Anne Boteler Blount Weston) [Maidment and Logan, D'Avenant i, 305, 310 (1872); Maidment and Logan, D'Avenant ii, 290 (1872); Peerage ix, 549 (1936); Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 436 (1950); Orgel, Jonson Masques, 507 (1969); Lefkowitz, Trois Masques, 209 (1970); Brown, Aurelian Townshend, 90 (1983); Lindley, Court Masques, 279 (1995)]

Blount, William, 7th Lord Mountjoy (c.1561-94). Patron (Lord Mountjoy's 1582-3). (Son of James Blount and Katherine Leigh Blount; brother of Charles Blount and Sir Christopher Blount) [Peerage ix, 343 (1936); REED Devon, 505 (1986)]

Bochan (fl. 1613). Dancer in masque (Lords' Masque, 1613). [ES iii, 244]

Bodley, Sir John (>1564-1622<). Landlord of Globe playhouse (1601-22). [Berry, 'The Globe', 35-44 (1981)]

Boker, Richard/Robert (fl. 1561-2). Paul's chorister (1561-2). [Lennam, 'Children of Paul's', 25 (1970)]

Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Boleyn, Queen of England.

Boleyn, George, Baron Rochford, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports (c.1505?-36). Patron (Lord Warden's 1535-6). (Brother of Anne Boleyn; brother-in-law of Henry VIII; cousin of Thomas Howard (I)) [Peerage x, 140 (1945); DTRB, 375 (1984)]

Bolton, Elizabeth (fl. 1617). Performer in masque (Cupid's Banishment, 1617). [McGee, 'Cupid's Banishment', 239, 259 (1988)]

Bond, Thomas (d. 1635) (Band). Actor (Children of the Revels 1622-24; Prince Charles' (II) 1631-32). (Son-in-law of Robert Browne (III) and Susan Browne Greene Baskerville; brother-in-law of William Browne (III)) [Nungezer, 51; JCS ii, 382; Limon, 'Alleged Catholicism' (1985); Bawcutt, 'Documents of the Salisbury Court Theater', 182 (1997)]

Bone, Thomas (fl. 1604). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984)]

Bonen, William (fl. 1623) (Bowen). Playwright. [JCS iii, 30]

Boone, William (fl. 1600). Actor(?). [ES ii, 303]

Booth, Robert (fl. 1577-89). Actor in academic play (St. John's, Cambridge, 1580). [Boas, University Drama, 395 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 180 (1922)]

Booth, Thomas (fl. 1593-1617). Actor in academic play (Trinity, Cambridge, 1598). [Boas, University Drama, 399 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 181 (1922); Caylor, Leander, 3 (1993)]

Borel, Thomas. See Barrell, Thomas.

Borne, Theophilus. See Bird, Theophilus.

Borne, William. See Bird, William.

Borough, Lord. See Burgh, Lord.

Borrose. (d. 1643).(= Burroughs?) "Mr. Borrose from the Playhouse" was buried at St. Anne's Blackfriars on December 5, 1643. [JCS ii, 383]

Bosgrave, George (c.1600-1636<) (Bosegrave, Bosgrove). Actor (Lady Elizabeth's 1613; Children of Revels 1624), sharer (New Fortune 1624), trumpeter in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634). [Nungezer, 52; JCS ii, 383; Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 48 (1965); REED Coventry, 394 (1981); Bawcutt, 'Craven Ord Transcripts', 91 (1984)]

Boteler, Anne. See Weston, Anne Boteler Blount.

Boteler, Olivia. See Porter, Olivia Boteler.

Bourchier, Henry (I), 1st (14th) Earl of Essex (c.1404-83). Patron (Essex's 1469-82). (Grandfather of Henry Bourchier (II)) [Peerage v, 137 (1926); DTRB, 376 (1984)]

Bourchier, Henry (II), 2nd (15th) Earl of Essex (c.1473-1540). Patron (Essex's 1499-1527). (Grandson of Henry Bourchier (I)) [Peerage v, 138 (1926); DTRB, 376 (1984)]

Bourchier, John (I), Lord Berners (c.1468-1533). Patron (Lord Berners' 1529-30), playwright. (Son-in-law of John Howard) [Peerage ii, 153 (1912); Blake, 'Lord Berners' (1971); DTRB, 332, 376, 411 (1984)]

Bourchier, John (II), Earl of Bath (c.1500-61). Patron (Bath's 1540-46). [Peerage ii, 16 (1912); DTRB, 376 (1984)]

Bourchier, William, 4th Earl of Bath (1557-1623). Patron (Bath's 1569-79). [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 23 (1910); Dawson, 'Kent', 165 (1965); Coldewey, 'Aldeburgh', 19 (1977); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 435 (1986); REED Devon, 462 (1986)]

Bourke, Thomas (fl. 1636). Performer in masque (Triumphs of the Prince d'Amour, 1636). [Lefkowitz, Trois Masques, 136 (1970)]

Bourman, Robert (fl. 1623-25). Musician to the King; pupil of Richard Balls. [Sisson, 'Notes', 26 (1942); Woodfill, Musicians, 304 (1953)]

Bourne, Mr. (fl. 1571). Actor(?) (Bristol). [Pilkington, 'Bristol' (1989)]

Bourne, Theophilus. See Bird, Theophilus.

Bourne, Thomas (fl. 1625-40) (Boarne, Boorne, Bowrne). Actor (provincial). [Nungezer, 52; JCS ii, 384]

Bourne, William. See Bird, William.

Bovey, James. See Bowy, James.

Bowen, William. See Bonen, William.

Bower, Richard (d. 1561). Master of the Children of the Chapel, 1545-61; playwright(?) (Father-in-law of Richard Farrant) [ES ii, 303; iii, 236; Nungezer, 53; Wills, 41 (1993); BDECM, 178 (1998)]

Bower, William. See Bonen, William.

Bowers, Richard (fl. 1637). Actor (King's). [Nungezer, 53; JCS ii, 385]

Bowes, Henry (fl. 1574-81). Actor in academic play (St. John's, Cambridge, 1580). [Boas, University Drama, 396 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 191 (1922)]

Bowey, James. See Bowy, James.

Bowey, Thomas (fl. 1624). Performer in masque (Neptune's Triumph for the Return of Albion, 1624). (Mistake for James Bowy?) [Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 429 (1950)]

Bowringe, George (fl.1574-82) (Gregory). Paul's chorister (1574). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 53]

Bowy, James, Serjeant of the Cellar (fl. 1611-22) (Bovey, Buy). Performer in masques (News from the New World Discovered in the Moon, 1620; Pan's Anniversary, 1620; Masque of Augurs, 1622; Time Vindicated to Herself and Her Honours, 1623). [Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 429 (1950)]

Bowyer, Sir Henry (d. 1613). Performer in masque (Love Restored, 1612); died practicing for Irish Masque (1613). [ES iii, 388; Lindley, Court Masques, 272 (1995)]

Bowyer, Michael (c.1595?-1645). Actor (Queen Henrietta's 1625-35; Ireland(?) 1637; King's 1639-42). [Denkinger, 'St. Botolph Aldgate', 98 (1926); Nungezer, 53; JCS ii, 385; Stevenson, 'First Irish Theatre' (1942); Wills, 100-1, 203 (1993)]

Bowyer, William (fl. 1626-37). Playwright(?) [Venn, ACant i, 194 (1922); JCS iii, 33; Howarth, 'Valiant Scot', 5 (1965); Byers, Valiant Scot, 32 (1980)]

Boyd, Andrew (fl. 1613-21). Performer in masque (Irish Masque, 1613). [ES iii, 388; Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 429 (1950)]

Boyes, John (c.1535-1612). Deviser of shows at Cambridge (1556-7). [Venn, ACant i, 195 (1922); Hasler, House of Commons i, 476 (1981); DTRB, 98, 411 (1984)]

Boyle, Elizabeth Feilding (1619-67). Performer in masques (Temple of Love, 1635; Luminalia, 1638; Salmacida Spolia, 1640, all as Lady Elizabeth Feilding). (Daughter of William Feilding; sister of Basil Feilding, George Feilding, and Margaret Feilding Hamilton; niece of George Villiers; sister-in-law of Richard Boyle and Roger Boyle) [Maidment and Logan, D'Avenant i, 305, 309 (1872); Grosart, Luminalia, 630 (1876); Peerage ii, 265 (1912); Lindley, Court Masques, 275 (1995)]

Boyle, Margaret Howard (1623-89). Performer in masque (Salmacida Spolia, 1640). (Daughter of Theophilus Howard; sister of James Howard, Frances Howard Villiers, and Katherine Howard; wife of Roger Boyle; niece of Sir Charles Howard (III), Elizabeth Howard Knollys, Frances Howard Devereaux Carr, Henry Howard (I), and Thomas Howard (VI)) [Peerage x, 177 (1945); Lindley, Court Masques, 277 (1995)]

Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Burlington, 2nd (3rd) Earl of Cork, Lord Dungarvon (1612-97). Performer in masque (Coelum Britannicum, 1634, as Lord Dungarvon). (Brother of Roger Boyle; brother-in-law of George Goring (II)) [Peerage ii, 430 (1912); Lindley, Court Masques, 274 (1995)]

Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery (1621-79). Playwright. (Brother of Richard Boyle; husband of Margaret Howard Boyle; son-in-law of Theophilus Howard) [Peerage x, 175 (1945); JCS iii, 33; Lynch, Roger Boyle (1965)]

Boyle, William (fl. 1600). Playwright. [Venn, ACant i, 196 (1922); JCS iii, 35]

Boyoe, Sir Richard. See Rogers, Sir Richard.

Boys, John. See Boyes, John.

Brackenbury, Richard (fl. 1598). Paul's chorister (1598). [Nungezer, 54]

Brackley, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Cavendish Egerton, Lady Brackley, Countess of Bridgewater) (1626-63). Playwright, poet. (Daughter of William Cavendish (II) and Margaret Lucas Cavendish; sister of Jane Cavendish; wife of John Egerton (II)) [Bickley, Cavendish Family (1911); Peerage ii, 312 (1912); Starr, 'The Concealed Fansyes' (1931); Ezell, 'To Be Your Daughter in Your Pen' (1988); Randall, Winter Fruit, 321-6 (1995); Cerasano and Wynne-Davies, Renaissance Drama by Women, 127-30 (1996)]

Brackley, Lord. See Egerton, John.

Bradley, Peter (1613-66). Actor in academic play (Queens College, Cambridge 1631-2). [Venn, ACant i, 201 (1922); REED Cambridge, 960 (1989)]

Bradshaw, Richard (fl. 1595-1635). Actor (provincial). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 54; JCS ii, 388; Wentersdorf, 'Origin and Personnel', 65 (1979); George, 'Walmesley', 11 (1985); Wasson, 'Touring Companies' (1988); REED Lancashire, 196 (1991)]

Bradstreet, John (d. 1618; fl. 1592-1604) (Bradsdrat). Actor (Europe). [ES ii, 303; Nungezer, 56; JCS ii, 388; Riewald, 'New Light', 71n24 (1960); Schrickx, 'German Archives', 149-50 (1982)]

Brampton, John (fl. 1423). Child of the Chapel Royal (1423). [Nungezer, 56]

Bramston, John (fl. 1636). Performer in masque (Triumphs of the Prince d'Amour, 1636). [Lefkowitz, Trois Masques, 137 (1970)]

Brande, Thomas (fl. 1574). Paul's chorister (1574). [Nungezer, 56]

Brandon, Charles, 1st (4th) Duke of Suffolk (c.1484-1545). Patron (Duke of Suffolk's 1520-42). (Husband of Katherine Willoughby Brandon Bertie) [Peerage xii.1, 454 (1953); DTRB, 376 (1984)]

Brandon, Frances, Duchess of Suffolk. See Stokes, Frances Brandon Grey.

Brandon, Katherine. See Bertie, Katherine Willoughby Brandon.

Brandon, Samuel (?-?). Playwright. [ES iii, 236]

Brandon, Sir Thomas (d. 1510). Patron (1510). [DTRB, 377 (1984)]

Brathwait, Richard (c.1588-1673). Writer, playwright(?). [JCS iii, 38; DLB 151: 46 (1995); Randall, Winter Fruit, 33-4 (1995)]

Bray, Anthony (fl. 1635). Actor (Norwich 1635). (May be same as Antony Brew, or more probably Anthony Berry) [Nungezer, 56; JCS ii, 388]

Bray, Sir Edward (c.1492-1558). Patron (1549-51). [Bindoff, House of Commons i, 490 (1982); DTRB, 377 (1984)]

Brayne, John (c.1541-78). Theatrical speculator; built Red Lion and Theatre. (Brother-in-law of James Burbage; husband of Margaret Brayne) [Loengard, 'Elizabethan Lawsuit' (1983); Ingram, Business, 92-113 (1992); Wills, 45 (1993); Edmond, 'Yeomen', 35 (1996)]

Brayne, Margaret Stowers (c.1545?-1593). Gatherer at the Theatre. (Wife of John Brayne) [Ingram, 'Robert Keysar', 477 (1986); Ingram, Business, 101 (1992); Wills, 60 (1993)]

Brend, Sir Matthew (1600-1637<). Landlord of Globe playhouse. (Son of Nicholas Brend and Margaret Strelley Brend Zinzan; stepson of Sir Sigismund Zinzan; grandson of Thomas Brend) [Berry, 'The Globe' (1981); Berry, Playhouses, 75-119 (1987)]

Brend, Nicholas (c.1561-1601). Landlord of Globe playhouse. (Son of Thomas Brend; husband of Margaret Strelley Brend Zinzan; father of Sir Matthew Brend) [Berry, 'The Globe' (1981); Berry, Playhouses, 75-119 (1987); Wills, 68 (1993)]

Brend, Thomas (c.1516-98). Owner of future site of Globe playhourse. (Father of Nicholas Brend) [Berry, 'The Globe' (1981); Berry, Playhouses, 75-119 (1987); Wills, 63 (1993)]

Breton, Nicholas (c.1555-c.1626). Poet, royal entertainment contributor. (Stepson of George Gascoigne) [ES ii, 236; Prouty, 'George Gascoigne' (1938); Flournoy, 'William Breton' (1940); Robertson, Poems, xi (1952); McGee and Meagher, 'Entertainments: 1558-1603', 123-4 (1981); Eccles, Authors, 16 (1982); DLB 136: 28 (1994)]

Breton, William. (Not a playwright). [JCS iii, 42]

Bretten, William (fl. 1546). Child of the Chapel Royal (>1546). [ES ii, 304; Nungezer, 56; BDECM, 191 (1998)]

Brew, Antony (fl. c.1622). Actor (Company of the Revels). May be same as Anthony Brewer. [Nungezer, 57; JCS ii, 388]

Brewderer, Walter (fl. 1428). Actor (in Glastonbury 1428). [DTRB, 377 (1984)]

Brewer, Anthony (fl. 1607?). Actor(?), Playwright. [ES ii, 237; JCS iii, 42; Dent, 'Love-Sick King' (1961)]

Brewer, Jacobus (fl. 1658-60). Rope dancer. [Rollins, 'Miscellaneous Notes', 68 (1923)]

Brewer, Thomas (fl. 1623). Playwright(?). [JCS iii, 45]

Brews, Sir Thomas (d. 1483). Patron (1454-74). [Beadle, 'Mettingham College', 127, 129, 130n9 (1979); DTRB, 377 (1984)]

Brian. See Bryan.

Bridge, Edward (fl. 1623-34). Trumpeter in masque (Triumph of Peace, 1634), and possibly in playhouse. [JCS ii, 389; Lefkowitz, 'Longleat', 48 (1965)]

Bridges, Edmund. See Brydges, Edmund.

Bridges, Giles. See Brydges, Giles.

Bridges, Grey. See Brydges, Grey.

Bridges, John (I) (fl. 1539-50). Yeoman of the Revels and Tents (1539-50). [DTRB, 202 (1984); Streitberger, Court Revels, 154-5, 168, 408-11, 432 (1994)]

Bridges, John (II), Dean of Salisbury (d. 1618). Playwright (doubtful; Gammer Gurton's Needle attributed to him by Thomas Nashe). [Ross, 'Gammer Gurton's Needle' (1897); Boas, University Drama, 83-88 (1914); Venn, ACant i, 215 (1922); DTRB, 100, 411 (1984)]

Bridges, William. See Brydges, William.

Bridgwater, Earl of. See Daubeney, Henry (1538-48); Egerton, John (I) (1617-49); Egerton, John (II) (1649-86).

Brigges, John. See Bugge, John.

Briggs, Robert (fl. <1616). Actor. [JCS ii, 389]

Brightwell, John (fl. 1580-92). Musician/minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984)]

Bristow, Francis (fl. 1635). Translator(?). [JCS iii, 46]

Bristow, James (b. 1574; fl. 1597-1603). Actor (Admiral's 1597-1602). [ES ii, 304; Nungezer, 57]

Bristow, Litton (d. 1634; fl. 1620-34) (Bristoe). Actor in academic play (Trinity College, Cambridge 1627-8). [Venn, ACant i, 220 (1922); REED Cambridge, 959 (1989)]

Bristow, Richard (d. 1581; fl. 1559-72). Actor in academic plays (Oxford 1566). [Foster, AOx, 184 (1891); Boas, University Drama, 391 (1914)]

Broke, Arthur. See Brooke, Arthur.

Brome, Alexander (c.1620-66). Musician, playwright. [JCS iii, 47]

Brome, Richard (d. 1652) (Broome). Playwright, actor(?). [Nungezer, 57; Harbage, 'Elizabethan-Restoration Palimpsest', 304 (1940); JCS ii, 389; iii, 49; Kaufmann, Richard Brome (1961); Cutts, 'Anonymous Masque-Like Entertainment' (1967); Freehafer, 'Brome, Suckling' (1968); Haaker, 'Plague' (1968); Shaw, Richard Brome (1980); Cutts, 'Original Music' (1986); DLB 58: 26 (1987); Evans, 'Richard Brome's Death' (1989)]

Bromefield, Richard (b. 1606; fl. 1628). Actor. [Nungezer, 58; JCS ii, 390]

Bromeham (>1582). Paul's chorister. [ES ii, 304; Nungezer, 59]

Bromley, Thomas (1602-1625<). Sharer (legatee of Thomas Pope). [Baldwin, Organization and Personnel, 100n40 (1927); Nungezer, 59]

Bronde, Robert, Prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich (fl. 1504-29). Patron (Lord Prior's 1519-20). [Beadle, 'Entertainments at Hickling Priory' (1980)]

Brooke, Arthur (d. 1563). Masque writer. [ES iii, 237; Bland, 'Masque of Beauty and Desire' (1976); McGee and Meagher, 'Entertainments: 1558-1603', 69 (1981)]

Brooke, George, 9th Lord Cobham (c.1497-1558). Patron (Lord Cobham's 1538). (Father of William Brooke; grandson of John Brooke) [Peerage iii, 347 (1913); DTRB, 377 (1984)]

Brooke, John, 7th Lord Cobham (d. 1512). Patron (Lord Cobham's 1489-90). (Grandfather of George Brooke) [Peerage iii, 346 (1913); DTRB, 378 (1984)]

Brooke, Samuel (c.1574-1632). Latin playwright. [Foster, AOx, 189 (1891); Venn, ACant i, 227 (1922); ES iii, 238; Bolton, Melanthe (1928); RLDE 2/15: 1 (1991)]

Brooke, William (I), 10th Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports (1527-97). Patron (Lord Warden's [aka Lord Cobham's] 1561-71), Lord Chamberlain (1596-97). (Brother-in-law of Henry Neville (I) and William Parr (I); father-in-law of Robert Cecil) [Chambers, 'Lords Chamberlain', 39 (1907); Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 82 (1910); Peerage iii, 348 (1913); Louis, 'Sussex', 146 (1985); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 439 (1986)]

Brooke, Sir William (II) (fl. 1626-32). Performer in masques (Love's Triumph Through Callipolis, 1631; Albion's Triumph, 1632). [Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 429 (1950); Orgel, Jonson Masques, 507 (1969); Brown, Aurelian Townshend, 90 (1983)]

Brotherhead, John (d. 1563). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984)]

Broughton, Ambrose (b. 1588; fl. 1623). Actor(?). [JCS ii, 390]

Broughton, Rowland (fl. 1572-6). Playwright. [Benbow, 'Dutton and Goffe versus Broughton' (1981); Eccles, 'Actors I', 48 (1991)]

Browne, Anthony, 1st Viscount Montagu (1528-92). Patron (Lord Montagu's 1574-8). (Father of Anthony Maria Browne; brother-in-law of Henry Wriothesley (I); uncle of Henry Wriothesley (II)) [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 53 (1910); Peerage ix, 97 (1936); REED Devon, 504 (1986); REED Somerset, 12, 1000 (1996)]

Browne, Anthony Maria, 2nd Viscount Montagu (d. 1629). Patron (Lord Montagu's 1592-5). (Son of Anthony Browne; nephew of Henry Wriothesley (I); cousin of Henry Wriothesley (II)) [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 53 (1910); Peerage ix, 100 (1936); REED Somerset, 54-5, 1000 (1996); Cerasano, 'Patronage Network' (2001)]

Browne, Cicely. See Robbins, Cicely Sands Browne.

Browne, Edward (fl. 1582-1599). Actor (Worcester's 1583; Admiral's 1599-1602). [ES ii, 304; Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Nungezer, 59; Greg, Dramatic Documents i, 52 (1931)]

Browne, Francis (d.1617) (alias Baskerville). Associated with Queene Anne's. [JCS ii, 391]

Browne, Gertrude (c.1563-1623<). Wife of Richard Browne; associated with Red Bull/Queen Anne's since 1615. [Sisson, 'Notes', 26 (1942); Sisson, 'Red Bull Company' (1954)]

Browne, Henry (fl. 1583). Actor(?). [Nungezer, 60]

Browne, James (fl. 1547-8). Actor (in Plymouth). [DTRB, 378 (1984)]

Browne, John (I) (d. 1563) Actor (King's 1551-2, Queen's 1559-60). [ES ii, 83-4, 304; Nungezer, 60]

Browne, John (II) (d. 1608). Boy actor (Children of Revels?). [ES ii, 304; Nungezer, 60]

Browne, Joseph (fl. 1636-40). Actor. [JCS ii, 391]

Browne, Richard (I) (fl. 1617). Performer in masque (Cupid's Banishment, 1617). [McGee, 'Cupid's Banishment', 239, 259 (1988)]

Browne, Richard (II) (fl. 1623). Actor(?). [JCS ii, 391]

Browne, Robert (I) (fl. 1563). Actor (Lincolnshire c.1563). [Barley, 'Plough Monday Play' (1954); Kahrl, 'Lincolnshire', 6 (1974)]

Browne, Robert (II) (1563-c.1622). Actor (Worcester's 1583; Netherlands 1586; Admiral's 1589; Europe 1590-1598, 1601-7, 1618-20), sharer (Whitefriars, Globe). (Husband of Cicely Sands Browne Robbins; father of Robert Browne (IV); brother-in-law(?) of James Sands; father-in-law of Robert Reynolds) [Yates, 'English Actors in Paris', 402 (1925); Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Nungezer 60; Riewald, 'New Light', 70ff. (1960); George, 'English Actors' (1960); Schrickx, 'English Actors' (1980); Schrickx, 'German Archives', 150ff. (1982); Schrickx, 'Pickleherring', 135-7 (1983); MacLean, 'Leicester and the Evelyns', 491 (1988); Wills, 81 (1993); Schlueter, 'English Actors' (1998)]

Browne, Robert (III) (d. 1603). Actor (Derby's 1599-1600), sharer in Boar's Head. (Husband of Susan Shore Browne Greene Baskerville; father of William Browne (III); father-in-law of Thomas Bond) [Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Nungezer, 60; Sisson, 'Notes', 26 (1942); Berry, Boar's Head (1986); Eccles, 'Actors I', 41 (1991); Wills, 229 (1993); Schlueter, 'English Actors', 259-60 (1998)]

Browne, Robert (IV) (1595-1625). Son of Robert Browne (II) and Cicely Sands Browne Robbins; stepson of William Robbins. [Bentley, 'Shakespeare's Fellows' (1928); Berry, Boar's Head, 191 (1986); Wills, 129 (1993); Schlueter, 'English Actors', 257-61 (1998)]

Browne, Robert (V) (fl. 1637-42). Puppet showman. [Nungezer, 63; JCS ii, 391; REED Norwich, 236 (1984); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 125 (1986); REED Devonshire, app.2 (1991)]

Browne, Susan. See Baskerville, Susan Shore Browne Greene.

Browne, Thomas (c.1535-85). Latin playwright, headmaster of Westminster 1564-70. [Venn, ACant i, 238 (1922); DTRB, 99, 411 (1984)]

Browne, William (I) (fl. 1563). Actor (Lincolnshire c.1563). [Barley, 'Plough Monday Play' (1954); Kahrl, 'Lincolnshire', 6 (1974)]

Browne, William (II) (1590-1645). Masque writer. [ES iii, 238; Cutts, 'Browne's Inner Temple Masque' (1954); DLB 121: 36 (1992)]

Browne, William (III) (1602-1634). Actor (Queen Anne's 1616, Prince Charles' (II) 1631-2). (Son of Robert Browne (III) and Susan Browne Greene Baskerville; stepson of Thomas Greene and James Baskerville; brother-in-law of Thomas Bond) [Nungezer, 63; JCS ii, 391; Limon, 'Alleged Catholicism' (1985); Wills, 179 (1993); Bawcutt, 'Documents of the Salisbury Court Theater', 182 (1997)]

Bruce, Diana Cecil Vere, Countess of Oxford (c.1596-1654). Performer in masques as Countess of Oxford? (Chloridia, 1631; Tempe Restored, 1632; Temple of Love, 1635; Luminalia, 1638; more probably, the masquer was Beatrice van Hemmena de Vere). (Daughter of William Cecil (II) and Catherine Howard Cecil; sister of Charles Cecil and Elizabeth Cecil Cavendish; wife of Thomas Bruce) [Maidment and Logan, D'Avenant i, 305, 306 (1872); Grosart, Luminalia, 630 (1876); Peerage x, 255 (1945); Herford and Simpson, Ben Jonson x, 443 (1950); Lindley, Court Masques, 279 (1995)

Bruce, Thomas, 1st Earl of Elgin (1599-1663). Performer in masques (Albion's Triumph, 1632, as Lord Bruce; Coelum Britannicum, 1634, and Britannia Triumphans, 1638, as Earl of Elgin). (Husband of Diana Cecil Vere Bruce) [Maidment and Logan, D'Avenant ii, 290, 292 (1872); Peerage v, 41 (1926); Lefkowitz, Trois Masques, 209 (1970); Brown, Aurelian Townshend, 90 (1983); Lindley, Court Masques, 275 (1995)]

Brunoe, Charles (fl. 1638). Performer in masque (Luminalia, 1638). [Grosart, Luminalia, 622 (1876)]

Brussels, Iacamote (fl. 1617). Performer in masque (Cupid's Banishment, 1617). [McGee, 'Cupid's Banishment', 239 (1988)]

Bryan, George (d. 1612). Actor (Denmark 1586; Strange's 1593; Chamberlain's 1596-7). [ES ii, 304; Nungezer, 63; Greg, Dramatic Documents i, 44 (1931); Sjogren, 'Thomas Bull', 121 (1969); Eccles, 'Actors I', 42 (1991); Wills, 229 (1993)]

Bryan, Mary (fl. 1612-1625) (Bryant). Sharer. (Wife of George Bryan) [Nungezer, 64; JCS ii, 392; Wills, 149 (1993); Cerasano, 'Women as Theatrical Investors', 90 (1998)]

Bryan, Oliver (fl. 1625-34) (Bryant). Actor in academic play? (Queens College, Cambridge 1631-2). [Venn, ACant i, 244 (1922); REED Cambridge, 959 (1989)]

Bryan, Richard (c.1606-80) (Brian). Actor in academic play (Queens College, Cambridge 1631-2). [Venn, ACant i, 244 (1922); REED Cambridge, 960 (1989)]

Brydges, Edmund, 2nd Baron Chandos of Sudeley (>1520-73). Patron (Lord Chandos' 1558-9). (Son of John Brydges; father of Giles Brydges and William Brydges; grandfather of Grey Brydges; father-in-law of William Sandys) [Peerage iii, 126 (1913); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 437 (1986)]

Brydges, George, 6th Baron Chandos of Sudeley (1620-55). Performer in masque (Coelum Britannicum, 1634). [Peerage iii, 128 (1913); Lindley, Court Masques, 273 (1995)]

Brydges, Giles, 3rd Baron Chandos of Sudeley (c.1548-1594). Patron (Lord Chandos' 1577-94). (Son of Edmund Brydges; brother of William Brydges; uncle of Grey Brydges; brother-in-law of William Sandys) [Peerage iii, 126 (1913); REED Norwich, 359 (1984); REED Devon, 474 (1986); Gurr, Playing Companies, 312 (1996)]

Brydges, Grey, 5th Baron Chandos of Sudeley (c.1579-1621). Patron (Lord Chandos' 1602-10), performer in masque (Challenge at Tilt, 1614). (Son of William Brydges; nephew of Giles Brydges and William Sandys; grandson of Edmund Brydges; brother-in-law of Elizabeth Stanley Hastings) [Peerage iii, 127 (1913); ES iii, 393; REED Norwich, 360 (1984); REED Cumb./West./Glouc., 438 (1986); REED Somerset, 219, 992 (1996)]

Brydges, John, 1st Baron Chandos of Sudely (1492-1557). Patron (Sir John Brydges' 1549; Chandos' 1558-9?). (Father of Edmund Brydges; grandfather of Giles Brydges and William Brydges) [Peerage iii, 126 (1913); Bindoff, House of Commons i, 533 (1982); DTRB, 378 (1984)]

Brydges, William, 4th Lord Chandos (1548<-1602). Patron (Lord Chandos' 1594-1602). (Son of Edmund Brydges; brother of Giles Brydges; father of Grey Brydges; brother-in-law of William Sandys) [Peerage iii, 127 (1913); REED Heref./Worc., 613 (1990); Gurr, Playing Companies, 312 (1996)]

Buc, Sir George (1560-1622). Master of the Revels (1610-1622). [ES iii, 239; JCS iii, 92; Eccles, 'Sir George Buc' (1933); Hasler, House of Commons i, 510 (1981); Eccles, Authors, 18 (1982); Bawcutt, 'New Revels Documents' (1984); Nelson, 'Buc, Shakespeare' (1998)]

Buchanan, George (1506-82). Masque contributor. [McGee and Meagher, 'Entertainments: 1558-1603', 68-82 (1981); McFarlane, Buchanan (1981); Ford, George Buchanan (1982); Sharratt and Walsh, George Buchanan: Tragedies (1983); DTRB, 101, 411 (1984); DLB 132: 56 (1993)]

Buck, John (fl. 1556-9). Playwright, schoolmaster of Norwich. [Venn, ACant i, 245 (1922); DTRB, 239, 411 (1984)]

Buck, Paul (c.1552-1626). Owner of Newington Butts playhouse (1594); not an actor (parish entries forged by Collier). [ES ii, 304; Nungezer, 64; Eccles, 'Actors I', 42 (1991)]

Buckeredge, Edward (fl. 1594). Member of Children of Paul's (1594). [Nungezer, 64]

Buckham, Hans (fl. 1585). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984)]

Buckingham, Duke of. See Stafford, Humphrey (1444-60); Villiers, George (1618-28).

Buckle, John (fl. 1634-52) (Buckley). Actor. [JCS ii, 393]

Buckridge, Edward. See Buckeredge, Edward.

Buckstead, William. See Barksted, William.

Bugby, John (fl. 1401). Grammar master of Chapel (1401). [ES ii, 305; Nungezer, 64]

Bugge, John (fl. 1628-39). Actor (Queen of Bohemia's 1628). [JCS ii, 393]

Buklank, Alexander. Ghost name (misreading of Alexander Bullard). [Nungezer, 64; JCS ii, 394]

Bulkley (fl. 1622). Actor in academic play (Trinity College, Cambridge 1622-3). [REED Cambridge, 957 (1989)]

Bull, John (c.1562?-1628). Child (1572) and Gentleman (1586) of the Chapel Royal; musician. [ES ii, 305; Nungezer, 65; BDECM, 205 (1998); Grove iv, 584 (2001)]

Bull, Thomas (d. 1586). Actor (Denmark). [ES ii, 305; Nungezer, 65; Sjogren, 'Thomas Bull', 119ff. (1969)]

Bullard, Alexander (fl. 1624). Attendant of King's Men (probably musician). [JCS ii, 394; Cutts, 'New Findings', 104 (1966)]

Bulteel, John (fl. 1656-83). Writer of Lord Mayor's pageant. [Foster, AOx, 209 (1891); Randall, Winter Fruit, 143 (1995)]

Bultell (fl. 1511-12). Actor (at Swaffam). [DTRB, 378 (1984)]

Burbage, Cuthbert (1565-1636). Sharer, theater owner. (Son of James Burbage; brother of Richard Burbage; nephew of Robert Burbage) [Stopes, Burbage (1913); Nungezer, 65; JCS ii, 394; Ingram, 'Early Career' (1988); Wills, 233 (1993); Cerasano, 'Henslowe/Forman', 157 (1993); Edmond, 'Yeomen', 31ff. (1996); Eccles, 'Actors I', 43 (1991); Ingram, Business (1992)]

Burbage, Daniel (d. 1563; fl. 1546-63). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 38 (1984); Edmond, 'Yeomen', 32 (1996); Ingram, Business, 96-98 (1992)]

Burbage, James (c.1531-1597). Actor (Leicester's 1572-76), theatrical entrepreneur; built Theatre. (Brother of Robert Burbage; father of Cuthbert Burbage and Richard Burbage; brother-in-law of John Brayne) [Stopes, Burbage (1913); ES ii, 305; Nungezer, 66; Ingram, 'Early Career' (1988); Eccles, 'Actors I', 43 (1991); Wills, 228 (1993); Edmond, 'Yeomen', 31ff. (1996); Ingram, Business (1992)]

Burbage, Richard (1568-1619). Actor (Chamberlain's-King's 1594-1619), sharer. (Son of James Burbage; brother of Cuthbert Burbage; nephew of Robert Burbage; husband of Winifred Turner Burbage Robinson) [Stopes, Burbage (1913); ES ii, 306; Nungezer, 67; Greg, Dramatic Documents i, 44 (1931); JCS ii, 395; Riddell, 'Actors', 289 (1969); Bergeron, 'Actors', 22 (1972); Ingram, 'Early Career' (1988); McMillin, 'Sussex's Men', 222 (1991); Wills, 113 (1993); Edmond, 'Yeomen', 31ff. (1996); Eccles, 'Actors I', 43 (1991); Ingram, Business (1992)]

Burbage, Robert (d. 1584). Carpenter, possibly builder of The Theatre. (Brother of James Burbage; uncle of Cuthbert Burbage and Richard Burbage) [Edmond, 'Yeomen', 30-1 (1996); Ingram, Business (1992)]

Burbage, Winifred. See Robinson, Winifred Turner Burbage.

Burde, John (fl. 1554). Chorister (Paul's 1554). [Nungezer, 79]

Burde, Simon (fl. 1554). Chorister (Paul's 1554). [Nungezer, 79]

Burges, John (d. 1536) (Burgess). Academic playwright (1506-7). [Foster, AOx, 212 (1891); DTRB, 411 (1984)]

Burges, Robert (d. 1559). Actor. [ES ii, 310; Nungezer, 79]

Burgh, Benedict (fl. 1440-76). Author of 'Christmas game'. [Forster, 'Benedict Burgh' (1898); DTRB, 9, 411 (1984)]

Burgh, Frances Walsingham Sidney Devereaux de (d. 1632). (Daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham; wife of Sir Philip Sidney and Robert Devereaux (I); mother of Elizabeth Sidney Manners) [Peerage v, 142 (1926)]

Burgh, Thomas, 5th Baron Burgh (>1558-97) (Burrow). Patron (Lord Burgh's 1590-97). [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 78 (1910); Peerage ii, 424 (1912); Redstone, 'Ipswich', 277 (1931); REED York, 943 (1979); REED Norwich, 359 (1984)]

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Burkhead, Henry (1593?-?; fl. 1640-5). Playwright. [JCS iii, 94; Randall, Winter Fruit, 88-93 (1995)]

Burnell, Henry (fl. 1641). Playwright. [JCS iii, 96; Randall, Winter Fruit, 31-33 (1995)]

Burnett, Henry (1595-1607<). Paul's chorister (1607). [Nungezer, 79; Gair, 'Chorister-Actors', 441 (1978)]

Burresan, John (fl. 1617). Performer in masque (Cupid's Banishment, 1617). [McGee, 'Cupid's Banishment', 239 (1988)]

Burrett, Walter. See Barrett, Walter.

Burroughs. See Borrose.

Burroughs (fl. >1646). Playwright. [JCS iii, 98]

Burroughs, Tobias (fl. 1605). Minstrel. [Ingram, 'Minstrels', 39 (1984)]

Burrow, Lord. See Burgh, Thomas.

Burt, Nicholas (1621-1690<). Actor (King's c.1635; Beeston's Boys c.1637; Europe 1644-6; London 1648; King's 1659-78). [Nungezer, 79; JCS ii, 397; Oliver, 'Building of the Theatre Royal' (1972); Highfill-Burnim-Langhans ii, 432 (1974); Milhous and Hume, 'New Light', 488, 490-3, 496, 501 (1991)]

Burton, Anthony (fl. 1628). Actor (Ellis Guest's company). [Nungezer, 81; JCS ii, 397]

Burton, Robert (1577-1640). Latin playwright. [Foster, AOx, 219 (1891); Murray, 'A Fellow of Shakespeare' (1928); JCS iii, 99; Nochimson, 'Robert Burton' (1974); RLDE 1/8: 5 (1984); DLB 151: 69 (1995)]

Burton, William (1575-1645). Latin playwright. [Annals, 221 (1989)]

Bushe, Samuel (fl. 1561). Paul's chorister (1561). [Lennam, 'Children of Paul's', 25 (1970)]

Buste, Henry (d. 1616; fl. 1560-78). Actor in academic plays (?) (Oxford 1566). [Foster, AOx, 221 (1891); Boas, University Drama, 391 (1914)]

Buste, John (fl. 1561-84). Actor in academic plays (?) (Oxford 1566). [Foster, AOx, 221 (1891); Boas, University Drama, 391 (1914)]

Butcher, John (fl. 1611). Actor(?). [REED Heref./Worc., 360 (1990)]

Butler, Andrew (c.1600?-71). Actor in academic play (Queens College, Cambridge 1622-3). [Venn, ACant i, 271 (1922); REED Cambridge, 956 (1989)]

Butler, Henry (fl. 1612-15). Actor in academic play (Trinity, Cambridge, 1612-13). [Venn, ACant i, 272 (1922); REED Cambridge, 952 (1989)]

Butler, John (fl. 1638) (Botler). Actor (Netherlands). [Hoppe, 'English Acting Companies', 30 (1955); Riewald, 'New Light', 85 (1960)]

Byerly, Richard (fl. 1656). Actor (Newcastle). [Rollins, 'Commonwealth Drama', 305 (1921)]

Byland, Ambrose. See Beeland, Ambrose.

Bynham, Thomas (fl. 1423). Composer of banns for Corpus Christi play. [DTRB, 82, 411 (1984)]

Byrd, William (c.1540-1623). Songwriter for academic play. [Fellowes, William Byrd (1948); REED Cambridge, 1010, 1024 (1989); Harley, William Byrd (1997); BDECM, 222 (1998); Grove iv, 714 (2001)]

Byron, Sir John (c.1488-1567). Patron (1565-9). [Murray, English Dramatic Companies ii, 79 (1910); Redstone, 'Ipswich', 264 (1931); Lancashire, 'Nottinghamshire', 21 (1977); Bindoff, House of Commons i, 562 (1982)]